RRR: Council/ruling decisions/legislation
year: 1213
initiator: Pope Innocent III
recipient: King of Cyprus
text: Jan. 7. Lateran. Pope Innocent III rebukes the king of Cyprus for his imprisonment of O., a relation of the king of Jerusalem, and other vassals of the kingdom of Jerusalem who had sought refuge from the Sarraceni in Cyprus, and for fomenting rebellion in the kingdom of Jerusalem, causing discord at a time when Christians in the East should be united in the face of the Saraceni.
Jan. 7. Lateran. Pope Innocent III rebukes the king of Cyprus for his imprisonment of O., a relation of the king of Jerusalem, and other vassals of the kingdom of Jerusalem who had sought refuge from the Sarraceni in Cyprus, and for fomenting rebellion in the kingdom of Jerusalem, causing discord... more
sources: Schabel, Bullarium 1:162-4, no. b-36
RRR: Council/ruling decisions/legislation
year: 1213
initiator: Pope Innocent III
recipient: Patriarch of Jerusalem and the archbishop of Tyre
text: Dec. 15. Lateran. Pope Innocent III has heard from Countess Blanche of Champagne and her son Thibaut that Erardus de Brena has travelled to the Holy Land to marry one of the daughters of Henricus comes Campaniae against the laws of consanguinity. The pope orders the patriarch of Jerusalem and the archbishop of Tyre to prevent the marriage.
Dec. 15. Lateran. Pope Innocent III has heard from Countess Blanche of Champagne and her son Thibaut that Erardus de Brena has travelled to the Holy Land to marry one of the daughters of Henricus comes Campaniae against the laws of consanguinity. The pope orders the patriarch of Jerusalem and the... more
sources: Innocent III, ‘Register’ 216:941, no. 150
RRR: Council/ruling decisions/legislation
year: 1214
initiator: Pope Innocent III
recipient: Patriarch of Jerusalem
institution: Saint Laurence in Acre
text: Jan. 11. Pope Innocent III has heard that the bishop of Acre and his chapter are refusing to give the Genoese church of St Laurence in Acre the oil of chrism it should rightly receive. He orders the patriarch of Jerusalem to ensure that the bishop of Acre issues the chrism.
Jan. 11. Pope Innocent III has heard that the bishop of Acre and his chapter are refusing to give the Genoese church of St Laurence in Acre the oil of chrism it should rightly receive. He orders the patriarch of Jerusalem to ensure that the bishop of Acre issues the chrism.
sources: Ughelli, Italia sacra 4:882-3 (RRH no. 599)
RRR: Council/ruling decisions/legislation
year: 1215
initiator: Pope Innocent III
recipient: Patriarch of Jerusalem
text: Feb. 20. Lateran. Pope Innocent III writes to the patriarch of Jerusalem. Believing that Erardus de Brena intended to travel to the Holy Land to marry illegitimately one of the daughters of Henricus comes Campaniae, he had ordered the previous patriarch and the archbishop of Tyre to forbid the marriage. They had done so privately, but not publicly. The pope orders the patriarch to maintain the prohibition, although Erardus has now been seen in France.
Feb. 20. Lateran. Pope Innocent III writes to the patriarch of Jerusalem. Believing that Erardus de Brena intended to travel to the Holy Land to marry illegitimately one of the daughters of Henricus comes Campaniae, he had ordered the previous patriarch and the archbishop of Tyre to forbid the... more
sources: Innocent III, ‘Register’ 216:973, no. I
RRR: Council/ruling decisions/legislation
year: 1215
initiator: Pope Innocent III
recipient: Archbishop of Caesarea, the prior of the Holy Sepulchre and the cantor of Acre
text: Feb. 20. Lateran. Repeating that the late patriarch of Jerusalem and the archbishop of Tyre had privately forbidden the marriage of Erardus de Brena and a daughter of Henricus comes Campaniae, Pope Innocent III orders the archbishop of Caesarea, the prior of the Holy Sepulchre and the cantor of Acre to publish the prohibition within 15 days of the reception of this letter.
Feb. 20. Lateran. Repeating that the late patriarch of Jerusalem and the archbishop of Tyre had privately forbidden the marriage of Erardus de Brena and a daughter of Henricus comes Campaniae, Pope Innocent III orders the archbishop of Caesarea, the prior of the Holy Sepulchre and the cantor of... more
sources: Innocent III, ‘Register’ 216:974, no. II
RRR: Council/ruling decisions/legislation
year: 1216
initiator: Pope Innocent III
recipient: Patriarch of Jerusalem
institution: Saint Mark in Tyre
text: [1215 - Jul. 16. 1216. Pope Innocent III orders the patriarch of Jerusalem and others to grant possession of the church of St Mark of Tyre to the archbishop of Tyre.
[1215 - Jul. 16. 1216. Pope Innocent III orders the patriarch of Jerusalem and others to grant possession of the church of St Mark of Tyre to the archbishop of Tyre.
sources: Theiner, Vetera monumenta Slavorum 1:67, no. 128. Calendar entry]. (RRH no. 881)