RRR: Council/ruling decisions/legislation
year: 1213
initiator: Pope Innocent III
recipient: Count of Tripoli
text: Jan. 28. Lateran. Hearing that the count of Tripoli had intervened in the election of an abbot of St Paul of Antioch, Pope Innocent forbids the count to do so.
Jan. 28. Lateran. Hearing that the count of Tripoli had intervened in the election of an abbot of St Paul of Antioch, Pope Innocent forbids the count to do so.
sources: Innocent III, ‘Register’ 216:747, no. 219 (RRH no. 738)
RRR: Council/ruling decisions/legislation
year: 1213
initiator: Pope Innocent III
recipient: King Leon I of Cilician Armenia
text: Feb. 28. Lateran. Pope Innocent III reprimands the king of Cilician Armenia for his excesses in the principality of Antioch, his violation of treaties and his promises. The pope has heard from the patriarch of Antioch and many others that the king had broken his written commitment to a truce, had sent his nephew Raymond Rupen with a large army into the territory of Antioch, had ravaged and burnt casalia belonging to the churches and carried off loot amounting to more than 100000 besants. Leon had received a man who had been deposed as patriarch of Antioch. He had replaced the archbishop-elect of Tarsus [Tarsensis] with a Greek, expelled the Latins and divided the church’s possessions among his milites. Innocent warns the king that he has ordered the patriarch of Jerusalem, his suffragans and the bishops of Cyprus to enforce the excommunication of the king, his nephew and his supporters until satisfaction is made. He has forbidden the kings of Jerusalem and Cyprus, the Knights Templar, the Hospitallers of St John of Jerusalem and any peregrini in the province of Jerusalem to have any relations with those who have been excommunicated.
Feb. 28. Lateran. Pope Innocent III reprimands the king of Cilician Armenia for his excesses in the principality of Antioch, his violation of treaties and his promises. The pope has heard from the patriarch of Antioch and many others that the king had broken his written commitment to a truce, had... more
sources: Schabel, Bullarium 1:169-71, no. b-39 (RRH no. 862)
RRR: Council/ruling decisions/legislation
year: 1213
initiator: Pope Innocent III
recipient: Patriarch of Jerusalem
institution: Templars
text: Mar. 15-22. Lateran. Pope Innocent records that the patriarch of Jerusalem has informed him that, after the bishop of Sidon had left the Holy Land for the Holy See, a letter had arrived from the king of Cilician Armenia offering immediate peace with the Knights Templar, humbly begging for absolution from his excommunication and asking for justice in his case and that of his nephew against the count of Tripoli. Meanwhile the count of Tripoli had argued that as he held Antioch from the emperor of Constantinople he was exempt from patriarchal jurisdiction. The pope orders the patriarch of Jerusalem to absolve the king from his excommunication, but to deny him and his nephew justice in their dispute with the count of Tripoli for the time being, because of his grave offences. As for the count of Tripoli, his argument that he is subject to the emperor of Constantinople should be dismissed as frivolous and inane.
Mar. 15-22. Lateran. Pope Innocent records that the patriarch of Jerusalem has informed him that, after the bishop of Sidon had left the Holy Land for the Holy See, a letter had arrived from the king of Cilician Armenia offering immediate peace with the Knights Templar, humbly begging for... more
sources: Innocent III, ‘Register’ 216:792-3, no. 7 (RRH no. 863)
RRR: Council/ruling decisions/legislation
year: 1213
initiator: Pope Innocent III
recipient: Bishops, clergy and laity throughout Christendom
text: Apr. 19. Lateran. In the general letter, Vineam Domini Sabaoth, Pope Innocent III addresses the bishops, clergy and laity throughout Christendom, including the archbishops, bishops, abbots and priors in Cyprus and [Cilician] Armenia, the episcopus Maronitanensis, the king of Cyprus and the magistri and brothers of the Knights Templar and the Hospital of St John of Jerusalem. He appeals for the recovery of the Holy Land and the reform of Church. He convokes a general council, to be held on 1 November 1215. In the meantime he will be calling on individuals in each province to enquire into what is needed to further the needs of the Holy Land.
Apr. 19. Lateran. In the general letter, Vineam Domini Sabaoth, Pope Innocent III addresses the bishops, clergy and laity throughout Christendom, including the archbishops, bishops, abbots and priors in Cyprus and [Cilician] Armenia, the episcopus Maronitanensis, the king of Cyprus and the magistri... more
sources: Schabel, Bullarium 1:171-4, no. b-40; Innocent III, ‘Register’ 216:823-7, no. 30
RRR: Council/ruling decisions/legislation
year: 1213
initiator: Pope Innocent III
recipient: Patriarch of Jerusalem
institution: Templars
text: Jul. 25. Segni. Having heard from the patriarch of Jerusalem that the Knights Templar, more from simplicity than malice, have been exacting payment for entry into their Order, Pope Innocent III orders the patriarch to forbid this and to expel any brothers who in future are admitted in this way, but to be tolerant with those who in the past have acted through ignorance. Those in the Order who have been admitted to the subdiaconate, since they engaged in warfare, should be treated in the same way provided they abstain from the spilling of blood.
Jul. 25. Segni. Having heard from the patriarch of Jerusalem that the Knights Templar, more from simplicity than malice, have been exacting payment for entry into their Order, Pope Innocent III orders the patriarch to forbid this and to expel any brothers who in future are admitted in this way, but... more
sources: Innocent III, ‘Register’ 216:890-1, no. 90
RRR: Council/ruling decisions/legislation
year: 1213
initiator: Pope Innocent III
recipient: King of Cyprus
text: Jan. 7. Lateran. Pope Innocent III rebukes the king of Cyprus for his imprisonment of O., a relation of the king of Jerusalem, and other vassals of the kingdom of Jerusalem who had sought refuge from the Sarraceni in Cyprus, and for fomenting rebellion in the kingdom of Jerusalem, causing discord at a time when Christians in the East should be united in the face of the Saraceni.
Jan. 7. Lateran. Pope Innocent III rebukes the king of Cyprus for his imprisonment of O., a relation of the king of Jerusalem, and other vassals of the kingdom of Jerusalem who had sought refuge from the Sarraceni in Cyprus, and for fomenting rebellion in the kingdom of Jerusalem, causing discord... more
sources: Schabel, Bullarium 1:162-4, no. b-36
RRR: Council/ruling decisions/legislation
year: 1213
initiator: Pope Innocent III
recipient: Patriarch of Jerusalem and the archbishop of Tyre
text: Dec. 15. Lateran. Pope Innocent III has heard from Countess Blanche of Champagne and her son Thibaut that Erardus de Brena has travelled to the Holy Land to marry one of the daughters of Henricus comes Campaniae against the laws of consanguinity. The pope orders the patriarch of Jerusalem and the archbishop of Tyre to prevent the marriage.
Dec. 15. Lateran. Pope Innocent III has heard from Countess Blanche of Champagne and her son Thibaut that Erardus de Brena has travelled to the Holy Land to marry one of the daughters of Henricus comes Campaniae against the laws of consanguinity. The pope orders the patriarch of Jerusalem and the... more
sources: Innocent III, ‘Register’ 216:941, no. 150
RRR: Council/ruling decisions/legislation
year: 1213
initiator: Pope Innocent III
recipient: Magistri and brothers of the Knights Templar and the Hospitallers of Saint John, the count of Tripoli and the patriarch of Jerusalem
institution: Templars
additional institution: Hospital of Saint John of Jerusalem
text: Jan. 8. Lateran. Pope Innocent III orders the magistri and brothers of the Knights Templar and the Hospitallers of St John, the count of Tripoli and the patriarch of Jerusalem to assist the king of Jerusalem, who is faced by rebellion.
Jan. 8. Lateran. Pope Innocent III orders the magistri and brothers of the Knights Templar and the Hospitallers of St John, the count of Tripoli and the patriarch of Jerusalem to assist the king of Jerusalem, who is faced by rebellion.
sources: Innocent III, ‘Register’ 216:737-8, no. 209
RRR: Council/ruling decisions/legislation
year: 1213
initiator: Pope Innocent III
recipient: Patriarch of Jerusalem
text: Jan. 9. Lateran. Worried by the consequences of the death of Queen [Maria] of Jerusalem, Pope Innocent III orders the patriarch of Jerusalem and his suffragans to encourage the subjects of the kingdom to remain faithful to the king and his daughter.
Jan. 9. Lateran. Worried by the consequences of the death of Queen [Maria] of Jerusalem, Pope Innocent III orders the patriarch of Jerusalem and his suffragans to encourage the subjects of the kingdom to remain faithful to the king and his daughter.
sources: Innocent III, ‘Register’ 216:738, no. 210
RRR: Council/ruling decisions/legislation
year: 1213
initiator: Pope Innocent III
recipient: King of Cyprus
text: Jan. 13. Lateran. Pope Innocent III rebukes the king of Cyprus. The archidiaconus Famagustanus has brought letters from the king, complaining that the patriarch of Jerusalem had annulled the election of the thesaurarius Nicosiensis Ecclesiae to the archbishopric of Nicosia. The form of that election may have accorded with ancient custom, but it infringed the laws of the Church. The pope orders the king to accept without contradiction the election by the canons of Nicosia.
Jan. 13. Lateran. Pope Innocent III rebukes the king of Cyprus. The archidiaconus Famagustanus has brought letters from the king, complaining that the patriarch of Jerusalem had annulled the election of the thesaurarius Nicosiensis Ecclesiae to the archbishopric of Nicosia. The form of that... more
sources: Schabel, Bullarium 1:164-6, no. b-37