RRR: Council/ruling decisions/legislation
year: 1198
initiator: Pope Innocent III
recipient: Patriarch of Jerusalem
text: Dec. 23. Lateran. Pope Innocent III rebukes the patriarch of Jerusalem for slandering the archbishop of Tyre, who had sailed to Cyprus without the patriarch’s licence. The pope has learnt from letters that the archbishop had sailed to Cyprus to preside at the marriage of King Aimery and the queen of Jerusalem, on the advice of nearly all the Christian army. The patriarch, on the other hand, had condemned the marriage on the grounds of consanguinity, but, then, changing his mind, had crowned the couple king and queen. The pope wishes to be better informed of the circumstances and threatens the patriarch with sanctions.
Dec. 23. Lateran. Pope Innocent III rebukes the patriarch of Jerusalem for slandering the archbishop of Tyre, who had sailed to Cyprus without the patriarch’s licence. The pope has learnt from letters that the archbishop had sailed to Cyprus to preside at the marriage of King Aimery and the queen... more
sources: Innocent III, Die Register 1:752-3, no. 518; Schabel, Bullarium 1:118-19, no. b-6 (RRH no. 748)
RRR: Council/ruling decisions/legislation
year: 1199
initiator: Pope Innocent III
recipient: Patriarch of Jerusalem and canons of the Holy Sepulchre
institution: Holy Sepulchre
text: Jan. 3. Lateran. Stressing the concern he has for the patriarchates of Antioch and Jerusalem, Pope Innocent III recalls a long dispute over the boundary between the churches of Tyre and Petra [Petertensis], the orders of Pope Lucius II to the then patriarch of Jerusalem when he was in France, the intervention of Pope Eugenius III and the threat to Antioch from the Sarraceni. He orders the patriarch of Jerusalem and canons of the Holy Sepulchre to answer within a year from the next Feast of All Saints the complaints of the patriarch and canons of Antioch that they ignored papal mandates on this issue.
Jan. 3. Lateran. Stressing the concern he has for the patriarchates of Antioch and Jerusalem, Pope Innocent III recalls a long dispute over the boundary between the churches of Tyre and Petra [Petertensis], the orders of Pope Lucius II to the then patriarch of Jerusalem when he was in France, the... more
sources: Innocent III, Die Register 1:755-6, no. 505
RRR: Council/ruling decisions/legislation
year: 1199
initiator: Pope Innocent III
recipient: Patriarch of Antioch
text: Jan. 5. Lateran. Pope Innocent III writes to the patriarch of Antioch. He has heard that when faced by necessary expenses the commune [communia] of the city of Antioch imposes uncustomary talliae, forcing the clergy of all rites, including the patriarch, to take an oath. The customary treatment of ecclesiastical property by the Greeks is not in accordance with Latin law. The patriarch and clergy are forbidden to pay and authorized to employ ecclesiastical sanctions.
Jan. 5. Lateran. Pope Innocent III writes to the patriarch of Antioch. He has heard that when faced by necessary expenses the commune [communia] of the city of Antioch imposes uncustomary talliae, forcing the clergy of all rites, including the patriarch, to take an oath. The customary treatment of... more
sources: Innocent III, Die Register 1:747-8, no. 512
RRR: Council/ruling decisions/legislation
year: 1199
initiator: Pope Innocent III
recipient: Hospital of Saint John of Jerusalem
institution: Hospital of Saint John of Jerusalem
additional institution: Templars
text: Feb. 8. Lateran. Pope Innocent III rebukes the magister and brothers of the Hospital of St John of Jerusalem for resorting to force in their dispute with the Knights Templar over possessions in Margatum and Valenia, expressing disgust at Christians, especially those accustomed to fight Saraceni, taking up arms against one another. The Hospitaller brothers Disigius prior Baroli and Og[erius], preceptor Italie and the knights Templar [fratres militiae Templi] Petrus de Villaplana and Terricus have appeared before the pope, with testimony from peregrini and bishops from overseas. With the consent of the miles Seguinus, the pope judges that the possesssion should be returned to the Templars. But after holding it for a month they should then respond to the plea of Seguinus in the Hospitallers’ curia [at Margatum], to which should be assembled suitable men from the principality of Antioch and the county of Tripoli, who are acceptable to the Templars. The decision will be enforced by the patriarch of Antioch, the archbishop of Nazareth and the bishop of Valenia. Warning the Orders, Innocent draws attention to the procedures for the reconciliation of disputes agreed during the pontificate of Pope Alexander III.
Feb. 8. Lateran. Pope Innocent III rebukes the magister and brothers of the Hospital of St John of Jerusalem for resorting to force in their dispute with the Knights Templar over possessions in Margatum and Valenia, expressing disgust at Christians, especially those accustomed to fight Saraceni,... more
sources: Innocent III, Die Register 1:818-20, no. 561 (RRH no. 751)
RRR: Council/ruling decisions/legislation
year: 1199
initiator: Pope Innocent III
recipient: Patriarch of Jerusalem, the archbishop of Tyre and the bishop of Acre
institution: Templars
text: Dec. 15. Lateran. Pope Innocent III orders the patriarch of Jerusalem, the archbishop of Tyre and the bishop of Acre to release the Knights Templar from a sentence of excommunication improperly imposed on them by the bishop of Sidon. The bishop of Tiberias had complained that the magister and brothers of the militia Templi had held back 1300 besants and other goods of his diocese, which his predecessor had deposited with them. The pope had appointed the bishops of Sidon and Biblium as judge delegates in the case, but the Templars had sent some brothers to inform him that when they disembarked on a Wednesday at Tyre, having returned from the principality of Antioch where they had been involved in a war between the prince of Antioch and the [Muslim] lord of Aleppo, the bishop assigned the following day, the Thursday, for a hearing of the case. The magister could not attend but sent 2 brothers, who promised to respond to the complaint of the bishop of Tiberias and to observe any sentence delivered by the bishop of Sidon, even though the bishop of Biblium was absent. But the bishop of Sidon refused to hear any arguments and demanded the return of the besants to the bishop of Tiberias by the following Sunday; otherwise he would excommunicate all the Templars, in the West as well as in the East. The 2 brothers hurried to Acre and the magister appealed to the patriarch to settle the case and avoid scandal. But on the following Sunday the bishop of Sidon solemnly and publicly excommunicated the whole Order in the church of the Holy Cross in Tyre. The pope orders the patriarch to look into the matter and, if the bishop of Sidon is guilty, to suspend him from office until the papacy lifts the suspension and to absolve the Knights Templar.
Dec. 15. Lateran. Pope Innocent III orders the patriarch of Jerusalem, the archbishop of Tyre and the bishop of Acre to release the Knights Templar from a sentence of excommunication improperly imposed on them by the bishop of Sidon. The bishop of Tiberias had complained that the magister and... more
sources: Innocent III, Die Register 2:471-3, no. 247 (RRH no. 764)
RRR: Council/ruling decisions/legislation
year: 1199
initiator: Pope Innocent III
recipient: King Leon I of Cilician Armenia
institution: Templars
text: c. Dec.15-17. Lateran. Pope Innocent III writes to King Leon I of Cilician Armenia. He has heard an appeal for assistance from the magister of the Knights Templar [militia Templi] and emissaries of the patriarch and prince of Antioch, the count of Tripoli and the commune of Antioch. They had described how after the Sarraceni had abandoned the castle [castrum] called Gaston, which the Knights Templar had legitimately possessed, Armenian forces had entered and held Gaston. Leon had promised the patriarch, prince and commune to restore it to the Knights Templars but had delayed doing so. He had proposed to the Holy See that it be held by his uncle Milo. Innocent orders Leon to restore the castle to the Knights Templar. It will be up to the king to present his case for judgement by the pope himself or his legates, who are sailing on the next passage.
c. Dec.15-17. Lateran. Pope Innocent III writes to King Leon I of Cilician Armenia. He has heard an appeal for assistance from the magister of the Knights Templar [militia Templi] and emissaries of the patriarch and prince of Antioch, the count of Tripoli and the commune of Antioch. They had... more
sources: Innocent III, Die Register 2:475-7, no. 249 (RRH no. 765)
RRR: Council/ruling decisions/legislation
year: 1199
initiator: Pope Innocent III
recipient: King Leon I of Cilician Armenia
text: Dec. 17. Pope Innocent III replies to King Leon of Cilician Armenia, whose representative, the miles Rob[ertus] de Margato, has informed the pope of the case of Rupinus, the son of R[aymundus], the elder son of Prince Bohemond [III] of Antioch, and Leon’s niece A[aliza], who was recognized as legitimate heir to the whole of the principality of Antioch apart from the dowry of I[sabella], Prince Bohemond’s wife, but was disinherited by Count Bohemond of Tripoli, the magistri of the Hospital of St John of Jerusalem and the Knights Templar [militia Templi], and the commune [communia] of Antioch, while through bribery the count was asserted to be the legitimate heir. Innocent decides to reserve the case to his legates who will sail on the next passage and will decide through law not arms. In the meantime he exhorts Leon to peace so that there can be appropriate defence against the Sarraceni. He orders Count Bohemond to do nothing to prejudice the case. He is sending back Leon’s representative.
Dec. 17. Pope Innocent III replies to King Leon of Cilician Armenia, whose representative, the miles Rob[ertus] de Margato, has informed the pope of the case of Rupinus, the son of R[aymundus], the elder son of Prince Bohemond [III] of Antioch, and Leon’s niece A[aliza], who was recognized as... more
sources: Innocent III, Die Register 2:465-7, no. 243 (RRH no. 756)
RRR: Council/ruling decisions/legislation
year: 1200
initiator: Pope Innocent III
recipient: Bishop of Paphos and the archbishop of Nicosia
text: *Feb. 22 - Apr. 5. Pope Innocent III delegates judgement to the bishops of Tripoli and Tortosa in dispute over land between the bishop of Paphos and the archbishop of Nicosia.
*Feb. 22 - Apr. 5. Pope Innocent III delegates judgement to the bishops of Tripoli and Tortosa in dispute over land between the bishop of Paphos and the archbishop of Nicosia.
sources: Schabel, Bullarium 1:124-5, no. b-10
RRR: Council/ruling decisions/legislation
year: 1200
initiator: Pope Innocent III
recipient: Bishops of Tripoli and Tortosa
text: *Feb. 22 - Apr. 5. Pope Innocent III orders the bishops of Tripoli and Tortosa to compel the archbishop of Nicosia to pay the bishop of Paphos what is owed in an exchange and through expenses.
*Feb. 22 - Apr. 5. Pope Innocent III orders the bishops of Tripoli and Tortosa to compel the archbishop of Nicosia to pay the bishop of Paphos what is owed in an exchange and through expenses.
sources: Schabel, Bullarium 1:125, no. b-11
RRR: Council/ruling decisions/legislation
year: 1200
initiator: Pope Innocent III
recipient: Patriarch of Jerusalem and the archbishop of Caesarea
institution: Saint Mark in Tyre
text: Apr. 5. Lateran. Pope Innocent III writes to the patriarch of Jerusalem and the archbishop of Caesarea. He describes how the bishop of Paphos came into his presence, bringing the sentence delivered by the [judge delegates], the bishops of Acre, Tiberias and Beirut, in the case between the archbishop of Tyre and the plebanus of the church of St Mark [in Tyre]. The bishops had followed the papal mandate in demanding that the parties appear before them, but the plebanus had refused to accept the papal mandate or appear before them, appealing instead directly to the Holy See. The bishops visited Tyre, heard testimony and excommunicated the plebanus, restoring his church to the parochial jurisdiction of the archbishop. But representatives of the doge of Venice informed the pope that the Venetians had at the time of the conquest been granted one third of Tyre and that the church of St Mark in Tyre had had parochial rights for a long time. They present letters from Popes Clement III and Celestine III in support of their argument. It was pointed out, moreover, that two of the judge delegates were suffragans of Tyre and therefore biased. Innocent quashes the judgement of the bishops and orders the archbishop of Tyre to restore its rights to the church. The patriarch and archbishop should have this decision published in Tyre.
Apr. 5. Lateran. Pope Innocent III writes to the patriarch of Jerusalem and the archbishop of Caesarea. He describes how the bishop of Paphos came into his presence, bringing the sentence delivered by the [judge delegates], the bishops of Acre, Tiberias and Beirut, in the case between the... more
sources: Tafel and Thomas, Urkunden 1:281-6, no. 87; Decretal 2.6.2, ‘Liber Extra’, cols. 259-60 (RRH no. 770)