year: 1213
initiator: John of Brienne
recipient: Frater Adam ecclesie beate Marie Uallis Iosaphat prior
institution: Saint Mary of the Valley of Jehoshaphat
text: Mar. 1. [296] Acre. In the presence and with the authority of Patriarch Albert of Jerusalem, the papal legate, John, dei gratia Latinorum Ierusalem rex decimus et comes Brene, makes a sealed exchange with frater Adam ecclesie beate Marie Uallis Iosaphat prior, who has the agreement of his brother monks. The king acquires houses, a garden and all the land that St Mary of the Valley of Jehoshaphat had in Tyre near the Sidon Gate [porta Sydoniensis] and next to the new castle which the king has begun to build and for which the land is needed. In the return the abbey is granted an annual rent of 30 Saracen besants, drawn from the piscaria of Tyre. Any shortfall will be made up from other royal rents in Tyre. Witnesses: Aymarus de Cesarea; Garnerius Alemannus; Rohardus dominus Cayphe; Herardus de Durnay; Aymericus Chenart; Thomas de Malgastel castellanus Tyre; Amion Days; Daniel de Malenbec; Iohannes Tortus Accon vicecomes; Gaufridus de Cafran; Adam Coste; Iohannes Flori. The charter was drawn up dominus Radulfus Sydoniensis episcopus regnique cancellarius.
Mar. 1. [296] Acre. In the presence and with the authority of Patriarch Albert of Jerusalem, the papal legate, John, dei gratia Latinorum Ierusalem rex decimus et comes Brene, makes a sealed exchange with frater Adam ecclesie beate Marie Uallis Iosaphat prior, who has the agreement of his brother... more
sources: Mayer, UKJ 3:1026-9, no. 630 (RRH no. 857)
year: 1213
initiator: Ademarus dominus Cesaree and his wife Iuliana domina Cesaree
text: Oct. 18. Acre. Ademarus dominus Cesaree and his wife Juliana domina Cesaree, compelled by poverty, pledge [in a vifgage] 3 casalia, Cafarlet, Samarita and casale Bubalorum with their rustici, but excepting demesne lands [exceptis carrucis propriis et corveis] and the labour services [angarii] of the rustici, in return for a loan of 1000 Saracen besants. Witnesses: dominus P. archiepiscopus Cesariensis; dominus Garnerius Alemannus; dominus Rohardus de Caypha; together with Conselath; Joannes Charle; Fulco.
Oct. 18. Acre. Ademarus dominus Cesaree and his wife Juliana domina Cesaree, compelled by poverty, pledge [in a vifgage] 3 casalia, Cafarlet, Samarita and casale Bubalorum with their rustici, but excepting demesne lands [exceptis carrucis propriis et corveis] and the labour services [angarii] of... more
sources: Delaville Le Roulx, Cart Hosp 2:159, no. 1414 (RRH no. 866)
RRR: Eleemosynary grant
year: 1214
initiator: King Leon I of Cilician Armenia
recipient: Garinus de Monte Acuto, master of the Hospital of St John
institution: Hospital of Saint John of Jerusalem
text: Apr. 23. Tarsus. With the agreement of his nephew and heir, Raymond Rupen prince of Antioch, Leon, Dei gratia rex Armenie, makes a sealed eleemosynary grant to frater Garinus de Monte Acuto magister sancte domus Hospitalis Iherosolimitani and the brothers of the Hospital of St John of Jerusalem. He gives them a casale called Vanerium situated in the territory of Melon with its casalia, guastini, port and other dependencies and rights, just as held by his baro Vassilius. He withholds 2 fisheries [piscationes], Corvim and Saabras, which he had given to someone else. This grant is in return for the sum of 10000 Saracen besants given by the magister and brothers to relieve Leon’s expenses at the marriage of his daughter to the king of Jerusalem. Witnesses: Hostius de Tiberiade; Adam de Gastum; Constantius comestabulus; Aschivardus baro; Vaaram marescalcus; Jozulinus frater ejus; Levonus de Biulum; of the brothers of the Hospital of St John, frater Isembardus; frater Faraldus de Baras castellanus Selephii; frater Bermundus de Luzenzone; frater Petrus Arez; frater Albertus preceptor Antiochie; frater Willelmus cappellanus domini magistri; frater Raimundus de Stella; frater Hugo de Momolena. The charter was written by magister Bovo latinus cancellarius regis.
Apr. 23. Tarsus. With the agreement of his nephew and heir, Raymond Rupen prince of Antioch, Leon, Dei gratia rex Armenie, makes a sealed eleemosynary grant to frater Garinus de Monte Acuto magister sancte domus Hospitalis Iherosolimitani and the brothers of the Hospital of St John of Jerusalem. He... more
sources: Delaville Le Roulx, Cart Hosp 2:164-5, no. 1426 (RRH no. 870)
year: 1215
initiator: Daudin, évêque d’Anterade ou Tortose
recipient: Hospital of Saint John of Jerusalem
text: * Apr. 1-30. Daudin, évêque d’Anterade ou Tortose, records that he has received from the Hospital of St John of Jerusalem, represented by its master Garin de Montaigu, 1500 Saracen besants, in return for which he has pledged [in a vifgage], with the consent of his chapter and the patriarch of Antioch, a casale called Deterre, situated in the territory of Crat, between the casalia of Medel, Gastum and Ethere.
* Apr. 1-30. Daudin, évêque d’Anterade ou Tortose, records that he has received from the Hospital of St John of Jerusalem, represented by its master Garin de Montaigu, 1500 Saracen besants, in return for which he has pledged [in a vifgage], with the consent of his chapter and the patriarch of... more
sources: Delaville Le Roulx, Cart Hosp 2:174-5, no. 1440 (RRH no. 879a)
year: 1229
initiator: Hermannus, master of the Hospital of Saint Mary of the Germans and his brothers
recipient: Emperor Frederick II
institution: Hospital of Saint Mary of the Germans
text: Apr. 1-20. Acre. Frederick, dei gratia Romanorum imperator semper augustus, Ierusalem et Sicilie rex, records under seal that frater Hermannus magister domus sancte Marie Theotonicorum in Ierusalem and his brothers have given him the castle of Mesagne near Brindisi and the house of the late Margaritus in Brindisi in exchange for an annual rent of 6400 Saracen besants assigned on the cathena and funda of Acre and divided equally between them, although if the revenue of either the cathena or funda fail, the rent should be drawn from one or the other. The rent will be payable in 4 3-monthly instalments of 1600 besants. If the rent is not paid the Hospital of St Mary of the Germans has the right to take back the castle and house in southern Italy. Witnesses: Balyanus dominus Sidonis; Odo de Montebelyardo comestabulus regni Ierosolimitani; Iohannes de Ybelino; Garnerius Alemannus; Aymo nepos eius; Aymarus, nepos fratris Aimarii; and others. [344]
Apr. 1-20. Acre. Frederick, dei gratia Romanorum imperator semper augustus, Ierusalem et Sicilie rex, records under seal that frater Hermannus magister domus sancte Marie Theotonicorum in Ierusalem and his brothers have given him the castle of Mesagne near Brindisi and the house of the late... more
sources: Mayer, UKJ 3:1107-10, no. 661 (RRH no. 1012)
RRR: Agreement/treaty
year: 1229
initiator: Iacobus de Amigdala
recipient: Magister and brothers of the Hospital of St Mary of the Germans
institution: Hospital of Saint Mary of the Germans
text: Apr. 20. Acre. Iacobus de Amigdala records under seal that he has come to an agreement with the magister and convent of the Hospital of St Mary of the Germans. He accepts an annual rent of 6400 Saracen besants, which the emperor Frederick, king of Jerusalem and Sicily, gave the Order, in exchange for his feudum, which came to him by legitimate succession through his mother, the daughter of comes Iozcelinus. Among the casalia in his fief is Mobilir, given to him in exchange for Trefile and castrum novum, called Montfort, which the Order is now fortifying, and for a garden and a mill that are dependencies of Trefile. Other casalia are: Ialim, Tharbucha, Tarbosta, Suru, Beauer, Camesru, Tetramme, Fennes, Tersias, Ianot/Ianoth with a dependent gastina called Hemelie, Getz, Cabbara with a gastina called Camesie, Iunite, Blutun and Castrum Regis. Excluded from the sale are those possessions the Order held at Castrum Regis before they acquired the lordship and everything it bought or received in eleemosynary grants. Iacobus and his heirs will receive the rent from the revenues of the cathena and funda of Acre, payable in 4 instalments of 1600 besants. If the rent should fail magister Hermannus and his successors and the Order are held to pay Iacobus and his heirs 3200 Saracen besants within 6 months or they will restore the entire feudum to Iacobus, except for the castle of Montfort, because the site was given in exchange for Mobilie. This agreement will be enforced by the High Court [curia regis]. If the 3200 besants are not paid within 20 days tthe Order will pledge the casalia of Erchat, Saphet and Ancre. If at the end of six months the debt is still not paid, Iacobus and his heirs can dispose of these 3 casalia as they wish. Witnesses: frater Ludolfus comendator magnus; frater Guntherus marescalcus; frater Counradus trapparius; frater Henricus hospitalarius; frater Henricus de Aneboz; frater Henricus de Confluencia; frater Counradus de Nassowe; frater Andreas de Honlo; frater Uolricus de Durne; frater Eberamus; of the barones of the Holy Land, dominus Odo conestabulus regni Ierusalem; dominus Balianus de Sydone; dominus Iohannes de Ybelino; dominus Garnerus de Egensheim Alemannus; dominus Aimo de Ostehim; comes Thomas de Acerris; dominus Ricardus Filangerius marescalcus regni Sicilie; dominus Ricardus camerarius domini imperatoris.
Apr. 20. Acre. Iacobus de Amigdala records under seal that he has come to an agreement with the magister and convent of the Hospital of St Mary of the Germans. He accepts an annual rent of 6400 Saracen besants, which the emperor Frederick, king of Jerusalem and Sicily, gave the Order, in exchange... more
sources: Strehlke, Tabulae, pp. 51-3, no. 63; Mayer, UKJ 3:1356-7, no. 778 (RRH no. 1002)
RRR: Dispute/arbitration
year: 1230
initiator: Patriarch Gerold of Jerusalem, the papal legate
recipient: Bertrand de Thessy, master of the Hospital of Saint John of Jerusalem, and T. évêque de Limisso and his chapter
institution: Hospital of Saint John of Jerusalem
text: *May 13. Patriarch Gerold of Jerusalem arbitrates in a dispute between Bertrand de Thessy, master of the Hospital of St John of Jerusalem, and T. évêque de Limisso and his chapter, according to which the Hospital of St John will pay the church of Limassol 120 Saracen besants a year in return from exemption from all tithes in the diocese.
*May 13. Patriarch Gerold of Jerusalem arbitrates in a dispute between Bertrand de Thessy, master of the Hospital of St John of Jerusalem, and T. évêque de Limisso and his chapter, according to which the Hospital of St John will pay the church of Limassol 120 Saracen besants a year in return from... more
sources: Delaville Le Roulx, Cart Hosp 2:405, no. 1959 (RRH no. 1019a)
year: 1231
initiator: Brothers Odon and Guillaume
recipient: Guérin, master of the Hospital of Saint John of Jerusalem
institution: Hospital of Saint John of Jerusalem
text: *May 1. Record of an exchange made by the brothers Odon and Guillaume with Guérin, master of the Hospital of St John of Jerusalem. Odo and Guillaume exchange a house belonging to them at Jaffa for 2 houses belonging to the Order in Acre.
*May 1. Record of an exchange made by the brothers Odon and Guillaume with Guérin, master of the Hospital of St John of Jerusalem. Odo and Guillaume exchange a house belonging to them at Jaffa for 2 houses belonging to the Order in Acre.
sources: Delaville Le Roulx, Cart Hosp 2:419, no. 1983 (RRH no. 1023a)
RRR: Eleemosynary grant
year: 1231
initiator: Bohemond IV, prince of Antioch and count of Tripoli
recipient: Magister and brothers of the Hospital of Saint John of Jerusalem
institution: Hospital of Saint John of Jerusalem
text: Oct. 27. Acre. In the patriarch’s palatium. Patriarch Gerold of Jerusalem, the papal legate, records under seal an agreement reached in his presence between the magister and brothers of the Hospital of St John of Jerusalem and Bohemond, princeps Antiochenus et comes Tripolitanus. The Hospital of St John surrenders all gifts and freedoms granted to it by Prince Raymond Roupen in the city of Antioch and its lordship, except for the city of Gabulum and castrum Vetule. It renounces its rights to all privileges granted by Raymond Roupen and all its claims against Bohemond. In return, Prince Bohemond gives the Hospital of St John an annual rent of 316 besants of Tripoli [bisantii Tripolitani], to be drawn on the revenues of Tripoli, together with an eleemosynary grant of an annual rent of 873 besants of Antioch [bisantii Antiocheni], to be drawn on the revenues of the city of Antioch. He renounces all his disputes with the Hospital of St John.
Oct. 27. Acre. In the patriarch’s palatium. Patriarch Gerold of Jerusalem, the papal legate, records under seal an agreement reached in his presence between the magister and brothers of the Hospital of St John of Jerusalem and Bohemond, princeps Antiochenus et comes Tripolitanus. The Hospital of St... more
sources: Delaville le Roulx, Cart Hosp 2:427-8, no. 2000 (RRH no. 1030)
year: 1234
initiator: Henry, rex Cipri
recipient: Guillaume, son of Acharie
text: Ju1. 1-31. Nicosia. Henry, par la grace de Dieu roy de Cipre, makes a sealed grant to Guillaume, son of Acharie, and his legitimate heirs, of 10 charruées of land in the territory of Marathe. The estate is situated between the casale called Auramique to the east, the casale called Marathe to the west, the casale called Sandallari to the north and the casale called Stillos to the south. The grant is made in exchange for the prestrie called le Cavallari, which Guillaume held because it was a gift from King Hugh of Cyprus to Acarie as an enlargement of his fief [fié]. King Henry has given the prestrie of le Cavallari to the archbishop and church of Nicosia, because it was claimed to be a dependency of Mendias. The king promises that if he cannot guarantee the possession by Guillaume of the 10 charruées, he will provide property of equivalent value. Guarantors: Jehan de Ybelim seigneur de Barruth; Jehan d’Ibelin son nepveu; Baliani d’Ibelim; Bauduym d’Ibelim; Hug d’Ibelim; Guillaume visconte; Arneis de Gibelet. The charter was drawn up by Bonvasal d’Aude cancelier du reaulme de Cipre.
Ju1. 1-31. Nicosia. Henry, par la grace de Dieu roy de Cipre, makes a sealed grant to Guillaume, son of Acharie, and his legitimate heirs, of 10 charruées of land in the territory of Marathe. The estate is situated between the casale called Auramique to the east, the casale called Marathe to the... more
sources: Coureas and Schabel, The Cartulary, pp. 165-6, no. 60 (RRH no. 1054)