year: 1178
initiator: Raymond de Montolieu and his brothers
recipient: Hospital of Saint John of Jerusalem
institution: Hospital of Saint John of Jerusalem
text: *Nov. 1-30. In exchange for 400 besants, Raymond de Montolieu and his brothers surrender all the rights they have at Châteaurouge, which had been given to the Hospital of St John of Jerusalem by Count Raymond III of Tripoli.
*Nov. 1-30. In exchange for 400 besants, Raymond de Montolieu and his brothers surrender all the rights they have at Châteaurouge, which had been given to the Hospital of St John of Jerusalem by Count Raymond III of Tripoli.
sources: Delaville Le Roulx, Cart Hosp 1:371-2, no. 549 (RRH no. 562a)
year: 1180
initiator: Henfridus iunioris de Torono
recipient: Baldwin IV
text: *Oct. 1-31. Jerusalem. On his betrothal to Isabella of Jerusalem, Henfridus iunioris de Torono surrenders his patrimony of Toronum, Castellum Novum and Paneas to King Baldwin IV in exchange for a rent of 7,000 Saracen besants a year.
*Oct. 1-31. Jerusalem. On his betrothal to Isabella of Jerusalem, Henfridus iunioris de Torono surrenders his patrimony of Toronum, Castellum Novum and Paneas to King Baldwin IV in exchange for a rent of 7,000 Saracen besants a year.
sources: William of Tyre, p. 1012; Mayer, UKJ 2:717-19, no. 422
RRR: Confirmation/renewal of grants
year: 1181
initiator: Baldwin IV
recipient: Iohannes abbas Montis Thabor
institution: Mount Tabor
text: Mar. 1. Acre. Baldwin, per dei gratiam in sancta civitate Ierusalem Latinorum rex sextus, confirms under seal an exchange made by him and Iohannes abbas Montis Thabor. The king exchanges one of his staciones in Acre, in which herbs [herbe] are sold, which is situated next to a statio belong to the abbey of Mt Sion, for a statio that had belonged to Mt Tabor, which was situated before the house of Gaufridus Tortus on a site on which a gate of the city has now been constructed. Witnesses: Guido Ioppensis et Aschalonitanus comes; dominus Aimericus regius constabularius; Gaufridus Tortus; Reinaudus Sydonensis dominus; Gilebertus de Floriaco. The charter was drawn up by Guillelmus Tyrensis archiepiscopus dominique regis cancellarius.
Mar. 1. Acre. Baldwin, per dei gratiam in sancta civitate Ierusalem Latinorum rex sextus, confirms under seal an exchange made by him and Iohannes abbas Montis Thabor. The king exchanges one of his staciones in Acre, in which herbs [herbe] are sold, which is situated next to a statio belong to the... more
sources: Mayer, UKJ 2:719-20, 785, 978, nos. 423, 458, 590 (RRH no. 601)
RRR: Agreement/treaty
year: 1181
initiator: Roger de Moulins, master of the Hospital
recipient: Dominus Guerricus Petracensis archiepiscopus at Cratum
institution: Hospital of Saint John of Jerusalem
text: Nov. 9. In the Hospital, Jerusalem. Rogerius, pauperum Christi servus et domus Hospitalis Jerusalem magister, together with his chapter, clerical and lay brothers, records under seal an agreement he has reached with dominus Guerricus Petracensis archiepiscopus at Cratum. In return for the tithes owed on all the Hospital’s properties in the diocese the Order will pay the archbishop 40 besants each year on the Feast of the Holy Cross in September. If it acquires properties in future, it will owe half tithes, with exemptions for animal fodder, vineyards and gardens in which the fruits are harvested at the Hospitallers own expense, although if it acquires vineyards and gardens from which the church of Petra was accustomed to receive tithes, it will pay half of these. Witnesses: frater Garnerius preceptor Hospitalis; frater Bernardus prior clericorum Hospitalis; frater Garinus de Melnis; frater Willelmus de Acerio; frater Petrus Galterii thesaurarius; frater Stephanus hospitalarius; frater Willelmus elemosinarius; frater Jacob de Asinaria; and many other brothers of the convent; of the canons of the church of Petra, Stephanus decanus; Godefridus archidiaconus; Lidinus cantor; Arnoldus sacerdos; Engelricus sacerdos; Bernardus sacerdos; Willelmus subdiaconus.
Nov. 9. In the Hospital, Jerusalem. Rogerius, pauperum Christi servus et domus Hospitalis Jerusalem magister, together with his chapter, clerical and lay brothers, records under seal an agreement he has reached with dominus Guerricus Petracensis archiepiscopus at Cratum. In return for the tithes... more
sources: Delaville Le Roulx, Cart Hosp 1:415-16, no. 610 (RRH no. 607)
year: 1182
initiator: Baldwin IV
recipient: Ioscelinus, the son of Ioscelinus Edessanus comes
text: Feb. 22. Acre. With the agreement of Guido Ioppensium et Ascalonitanorum comes and Sibilla his sister, Baldwin, per dei gratiam in sancta civitate Ierusalem Latinorum rex sextus, records under seal that he confirms regie maiestatis auctoritate, his gift to comes Ioscelinus, his uncle and most beloved senescalcus, of Castellum Nouum, situated in the mountains of Acre, with its vineyards, olive groves, gardens, lands and villani, with the exception of the casale called Iazun, which the king retains. Baldwin gives Ioscelinus 2 annual rents of 500 besants each, drawn from the funda of Acre and the funda of Tyre respectively, to be paid according to the customs of the fundae of Acre and Tyre. Baldwin also confirms the gift of a feodum of 100 besants, drawn from the funda of Acre, and 4 carrucate terre in the territory of Caimont, which had been held by Iohannes Banerius and which Ioscelinus has given to his homo Garnerius Parisensis, who married the daughter of Iohannes Banerius, for the servicium of 1 serviens with 2 horses. Baldwin has made these gifts in exchange for castrum Sancti Helye, which the king had given earlier, Lubanum and Carrubia, which, with the hominium of Iohannes de Lumbres, ought to have reverted to Ioscelinus after the death of Maria, late queen of Jerusalem. Baldwin adds the gifts of Maronum, with its lordships and fiefs [tam in dominiis quam in feodis], and the hominium of Gaufredus Torti and of Sanctus Georgius and of all the land belonging to Sanctus Georgius. Ioscelinus will owe servicium to the king of 6 milites, over an above that owed by rear-vassals [exceptis feodatis]. Witnesses: Princeps Reinaldus Montis Regalis et Ebronensis domnus; Renaldus Sydonensis domnus; Balduinus Ramatensis domnus; Balianus frater eius; Aimericus constabularius; Gaufridus Tortus; Milo de Colouardino. The charter was drawn up by Willelmus Tyrensis archiepiscopus regisque cancellarius.
Feb. 22. Acre. With the agreement of Guido Ioppensium et Ascalonitanorum comes and Sibilla his sister, Baldwin, per dei gratiam in sancta civitate Ierusalem Latinorum rex sextus, records under seal that he confirms regie maiestatis auctoritate, his gift to comes Ioscelinus, his uncle and most... more
sources: Mayer, UKJ 2:730-3, 787, 852, 978, nos. 430, 462, 505, 592 (RRH no. 614)
year: 1183
initiator: Baldwin IV
recipient: Ioscelinus, the son of Ioscelinus Edessanus comes
text: Mar. 19. Acre. With the agreement of Guido Ioppes et Ascalonis comes and his wife Sibilla the king’s sister, Baldwin, per dei gratiam in civitate Ierusalem sancta Latinorum rex sextus, gives under seal to Ioscelinus, his uncle and senescalcus, an annual rent of 1000 besants, drawn on the cathena of Acre in the instalments customarily paid by the cathena, and the casale called Iesce/Iesse situated in the mountains of Acre, except for half of that casale which Alemandina holds as dowry [in dotem]; after her death this will revert to Ioscelinus. The gift is made in exchange for Maron, which the king had previously given to Ioscelinus. The same service will be owed as had previously been rendered for Maron, except for the assisiae which are in the land of Maron. The king confirms the purchase by Ioscelinus from Iohannes Bogalet scriba for 150 besants of a house at Castellum Nouum, which the king had previously given to Iohannes Bogalet. The king also gives Ioscelinus Iohannes drugemannus of Castellum Nouum with his heirs and goods. Witnesses: Guido Ioppes et Ascalonis comes; Aimericus constabularius; Balduinus de Ybelin; Balianus frater eius; Gaufridus Tortus; Gotsuinus Boccus; Guillelmus de Molembecca. The charter was drawn up by Guillelmus Tyrensis archiepiscopus regisque cancellarius.
Mar. 19. Acre. With the agreement of Guido Ioppes et Ascalonis comes and his wife Sibilla the king’s sister, Baldwin, per dei gratiam in civitate Ierusalem sancta Latinorum rex sextus, gives under seal to Ioscelinus, his uncle and senescalcus, an annual rent of 1000 besants, drawn on the cathena of... more
sources: Mayer, UKJ 2:742-5, 788, 852-3, 979, nos. 437, 466, 506, 596 (RRH no. 625)
year: 1184
initiator: Mélisende, abesse du monastère de S. Lazare de Béthanie
recipient: Hospital of Saint John of Jerusalem
institution: Hospital of Saint John of Jerusalem
additional institution: Saint Lazarus in Bethany
text: *Dec. 25 1183 - Dec. 24 1184. Mélisende, abesse du monastère de S. Lazare de Béthanie, comes to agreement with the Hospital of St John of Jerusalem. She gives houses in the rue de David, which had been held by Suibert d’Arras, in exchange for a tithe.
*Dec. 25 1183 - Dec. 24 1184. Mélisende, abesse du monastère de S. Lazare de Béthanie, comes to agreement with the Hospital of St John of Jerusalem. She gives houses in the rue de David, which had been held by Suibert d’Arras, in exchange for a tithe.
sources: Delaville Le Roulx, Cart Hosp 1:446, no. 664 (RRH no. 640a)
year: 1185
initiator: Baldwin V
recipient: Guido raicus de Neapoli
institution: Saint Mary of the Valley of Jehoshaphat
text: May 16. Acre. Baldwin, per dei gratiam in sancta civitate Ierusalem Latinorum rex septimus, with the agreement of Raimundus comes Tripolis et totius regni procurator and Balianus Neapolis domnus, confirms under seal the sale by Guido raicius de Neapoli to the abbey of St Mary of the Valley of Jehoshaphat of half of a guastina called Mesdedule, in the territory of Nablus, together with half the land in the guastina and a villanus living there called Mensor and his sons, for 4050 besants. Guido had been given the guastina by King Amalric, but now, with the agreement of his wife and heirs, he has sold it in the royal curia per assisiam terre, because he cannot pay Balianus Neapolis domnus and the assisi of Nablus the revenues for which he had made an exchange. [194] Witnesses: Princeps Rainaldus Montis Regalis et Ebronensis domnus; Joscelinus regius senescalcus; Hugo de Tyberiade; Balianus de Ioppe camerarius; Rainerius de Turre; Rainaldus de Monte Gisardo; Gillebertus de Flori Acon vicecomes; Robertus de Pinkenni; Gaufridus Turonensis; Radulfus Iterii de Ierusalem; Gvalterius Malpinus. The charter was drawn up by Petrus Lydensis archidiaconus regisque cancellarius.
May 16. Acre. Baldwin, per dei gratiam in sancta civitate Ierusalem Latinorum rex septimus, with the agreement of Raimundus comes Tripolis et totius regni procurator and Balianus Neapolis domnus, confirms under seal the sale by Guido raicius de Neapoli to the abbey of St Mary of the Valley of... more
sources: Mayer, UKJ 2:769-71, no. 451; 3:1338, no. 766 (RRH no. 643)
year: 1187
initiator: Roger de Moulins, master of the Hospital
recipient: Regnaud, lord of Margat; Martin de Nazareth
institution: Hospital of Saint John of Jerusalem
text: *Mar. 1-29. [207] Roger de Moulins master of the Hospital of St John of Jerusalem confirms for Clarisse the gift Rainaud seigneur de Margat had made to Martin de Nazareth of several casalia and properties in return for the service of 1 knight [chevalier] and 1 turcoplier.
*Mar. 1-29. [207] Roger de Moulins master of the Hospital of St John of Jerusalem confirms for Clarisse the gift Rainaud seigneur de Margat had made to Martin de Nazareth of several casalia and properties in return for the service of 1 knight [chevalier] and 1 turcoplier.
sources: Delaville Le Roulx, Cart Hosp 1:497, no. 787 (RRH no. 650b)
year: 1189
initiator: Corradus, son of the marquess of Montferrat
recipient: Martinus Rocia nobilis Ianuensis civis
text: Sept. 1-23. Tyre. Conradus marchionis Montisferrati filius makes a sealed grant, giving Martinus Rocia nobilis Ianuensis civis the house of Theodorus Surianus in Tyre. The gift is made in return for the good servicium and great loyalty that Martinus has shown to Conradus in Tyre. Witnesses: Ansaldus Boniuicini; Obertus Malus Osellus; Franciscus de Portu Ueneris; Oreicus Graucius; Guillelmus de Ualga.
Sept. 1-23. Tyre. Conradus marchionis Montisferrati filius makes a sealed grant, giving Martinus Rocia nobilis Ianuensis civis the house of Theodorus Surianus in Tyre. The gift is made in return for the good servicium and great loyalty that Martinus has shown to Conradus in Tyre. Witnesses:... more
sources: Mayer, UKJ 2:886-8, no. 525 (RRH no. 682)