year: 1171
initiator: King Amalric
recipient: Leprosary of Saint Lazarus in Jerusalem
institution: Leprosary of Saint Lazarus
text: Feb. 4. Jerusalem. Amalric, per dei gratiam in sancta civitate Ierusalem Latinorum rex quintus, makes a sealed eleemosynary grant to the leprosary of St Lazarus of Jerusalem and its sick. He confirms a rent of 72 besants, taken from the royal revenues from David Gate and payable in 4 instalments of 18 besants each at Easter, the Nativity of St John the Baptist, Michaelmas and Christmas. The rent is made up in the following way. The king has given 50 of these besants for the maintenance of one leper in perpetuity. Added to this is a rent of 10 besants, drawn from the money fief [assisia] attached to the pincernatus, which was given by Odo de Sancto Amando, and a rent of 12 besants was given by the king in exchange for a house next to the macellum in Jerusalem, which the brothers of St Lazarus surrendered to him. Witnesses: Hanfredus constabularius; Rainaldus Sydoniensis; Willelmus marescallus; Milo dapifer; Giraldus de Pogi; Amalricus de Franli; Anselmus de Brigida; Roardus de Ioppe; Barisanus frater eius; Iohannes de Ualencinis; Adam Niger; Fulco frater eius. The charter was drawn up by Radulfus episcopus Bethleem regisque cancellarius.
Feb. 4. Jerusalem. Amalric, per dei gratiam in sancta civitate Ierusalem Latinorum rex quintus, makes a sealed eleemosynary grant to the leprosary of St Lazarus of Jerusalem and its sick. He confirms a rent of 72 besants, taken from the royal revenues from David Gate and payable in 4 instalments of... more
sources: Mayer, UKJ 2:605-6, no. 347 (RRH no. 487)
RRR: Eleemosynary grant
year: 1171
initiator: Bernardus ecclesie Ascensionis Dominice minister
recipient: Girbertus, master of the Hospital
institution: Mount of Olives
additional institution: Hospital of Saint John of Jerusalem
text: Aug. 5 1168 - Mar. 10 1171 (Mar. 1-10 1171?). Acre. In the presence of Patriarch Amalric of Jerusalem and with the agreement of King Amalric, Bernardus ecclesie Ascensionis Dominice minister, with the agreement of the whole convent of the Mt of Olives, clerical and lay, Makes an eleemosynary grant to Gisbertus [Ms reads Josbertus] [124] magister Hospitalis. He gives a casale called Cafran, which … de Sure, princeps Galilee, had given by charter to the abbey of the Mt of Olives, in exchange for houses and stationes within Jerusalem, from which rents totalling 130 besants are returned annually. The houses and stationes, with the inhabitants and the rents [census], are: the house of Petrus Faber, above and below, which has been the subject of controversy, owing 18 besants on the Feast of the Exaltation of the Cross; the statio of Stephanus de S. Jacobo, owing 7 besants on the Feast of the Nativity of St John the Baptist; the houses of Giraldus…., situated in quadrivio, owing 13 besants, half at Easter and half on the Feast of the Exaltation of the Holy Cross; the houses of Petrus Guasco, owing 13 beants, 7 at Easter and 6 at the Feast of the Liberation of Jerusalem; the houses of….. before [the church of] S. Anastasia, owing 15 besants, payable in 3 equal instalments at Christmas, Easter and the Nativity of St John the Baptist; the voltae of the sons of Willelmus Mercerius, which are below the houses of Robertus Ungarus, owing 4 besants on the Nativity of St John the Baptist; the houses of Robertus Ungarus above the voltae, owing 11 besants on the Nativity of St John the Baptist; the houses of Nicolaus ... , in vico Coquinati, owing 14 besants, 7 at Easter and 7 on the Feast of the Exaltation of the Cross; a statio below the houses of Constantius Tortus, owing 7 besants on the Nativity of St John the Baptist; the houses of Soardus de Mahomeria, which are next to the houses of Albertus ..... , owing 12 besants on the Nativity of St John the Baptist; the houses of Herbelotus next to [the church of] S. Martinus, owing 5 besants on the Nativity of St John the Baptist; the houses of Bertrandus Alumnellus, owing 11 besants on the Nativity of St John the Baptist. Witnesses: Hernesius Cesariensis archiepiscopus; Radulfus episcopus Bethleemita et regis cancellarius; Bernardus Liddensis episcopus; Willelmus Acconensis episcopus; Petrus prior S. Sepulchri; Eraclius archidiaconus Jerosolimitanus; ..... Monachus domini patriarche cancellarius; of the barones, Balduinus Ramatensis; …. Tiberiadensis; Roardus sancte civitatis Iherusalem castellanus; Anselmus de Pas; of the jurati, dominus Symon; Gaufridus Turonensis; Gillebertus de Pinguigni; Robertus de B[algenci]; ,…., ; Pesellus Rex; Johannes Bricius; …..Beraldi; Guilelmus P[at]ron; Guillelmus de Pons; Bartholomeus Luscus; Balduinus…,… , ; Petrus de S. Jacobo; Petrus de S. Lazaro; Aldebertus pincerna patriarche.
Aug. 5 1168 - Mar. 10 1171 (Mar. 1-10 1171?). Acre. In the presence of Patriarch Amalric of Jerusalem and with the agreement of King Amalric, Bernardus ecclesie Ascensionis Dominice minister, with the agreement of the whole convent of the Mt of Olives, clerical and lay, Makes an eleemosynary grant... more
sources: Delaville Le Roulx, Cart Hosp 1:291-2, no. 422; Mayer, UKJ 2:606-8, no. 348 (RRH no. 492)
year: 1172
initiator: Bohemond III, prince of Antioch
recipient: Hospital of Saint John of Jerusalem
institution: Hospital of Saint John of Jerusalem
text: Sept. 24-30. [132] Bohemond III, son of Prince Raymond, Dei gratia princeps Antiochenus, with the consent of his wife Orgollosa principessa, makes under seal an exchange with the Hospital of St John of Jerusalem. He gives an assisia of 90 besants [a year] on the profits [fructus] of the fundum at Latakia in exchange for the houses that belonged to Barutel. If the profits prove to be less in any year, the sum is to be made up from the tallia of the Suriani in Latakia. Witnesses: Guiscardus de Insula constabularies; Silvester cognatus principis; Petrus camerarius; Johannes de Salquin; Willelmus Baufredi; Zaccarias filius Eschivardi….. The charter was drawn up by Willelmus cancellarius.
Sept. 24-30. [132] Bohemond III, son of Prince Raymond, Dei gratia princeps Antiochenus, with the consent of his wife Orgollosa principessa, makes under seal an exchange with the Hospital of St John of Jerusalem. He gives an assisia of 90 besants [a year] on the profits [fructus] of the fundum at... more
sources: Delaville Le Roulx, Cart Hosp 1:303, no. 437 (RRH no. 493)
year: 1174
initiator: Geraldus Tiberiadensis episcopus
recipient: Garinus abbas Montis Tabor
institution: Mount Tabor
text: Jun. 1-30. Nazareth. Geraldus Tiberiadensis episcopus and Garinus Montis Tabor abbas meet in the presence of their metropolitan Lethardus Nazarenus archiepiscopus and his chapter to come to an agreement. In exchange for the tithes of 2 casalia called Hecdix and Heulem, which the abbey of Mt Tabor had obtained in an agreement made in the presence of Pope Lucius II, the abbey is granted in perpetuity the tithes of a casale called Saka, which is situated between the torrens Cison and Capharmada. The agreement is sealed by Lethardus. Witnesses: of the prior and canons of Nazareth, Hernulfus prior; Rainaldus cantor; Gerardus; Andreas; Nicolaus; Heraldus thesaurarius; Johannes de Podio cellararius; Arnaldus; Petrus; Tibaldus; Galterius capellanus; Johannes de Coriz; Geraldus Passerel; of the canons of Tiberias, Robertus cantor; Leo; Johannes de S. Homero; Johannes Tiberiadensis; Petrus de Templo.
Jun. 1-30. Nazareth. Geraldus Tiberiadensis episcopus and Garinus Montis Tabor abbas meet in the presence of their metropolitan Lethardus Nazarenus archiepiscopus and his chapter to come to an agreement. In exchange for the tithes of 2 casalia called Hecdix and Heulem, which the abbey of Mt Tabor... more
sources: Delaville Le Roulx, Cart Hosp 2:906-7, no. 16 (RRH no. 515)
year: 1174
initiator: King Amalric
recipient: Phillippus Ruffus
text: Jul. 3. Jerusalem. Amalric, per dei gratiam in sancta civitate Ierusalem Latinorum rex quintus, records under seal an exchange he makes with Phillippus Ruffus and his legitimate heirs. The king gives Phillippus the 2 casalia of Arabia and Zakanin, with the gastinae of Derhenne, Mezera and Misklin and with the following villani: Manket, Helel, Bulmali, the brothers Buchalet and Zelzel, Nabe, the brothers Chazeraz and Tharet, Bufares, Zacran, Aili, Raphaha, Ebisserur, Buder, Tarcan, Phaheit, Nazer, Megeti, Bulmene, Phet, Zieia, Zabaa, Sep, Numeir and Haus, with their wives and children and with all the villani living in these casalia. Phillippus surrenders a [money fief] of 1000 besants which he held of the king at Acre. Phillippus will owe the king the servicium of 1 miles, and he will owe the servicium of a further 2 milites for a [money fief] of 800 besants, given by the king and drawn from the revenues of the funda of Acre, which he will enjoy for life. Witnesses: Frater Berengarius senescalcus Templi; frater Garinus preceptor Hospitalis; Hemfridus constabularius; Milo Montis Regalis domnus; Rainaldus Sydonensis domnus; Guido domnus Cesaree; Gualterus frater eius; Gormundus de Tyberiade; Atto filius eius; Rohardus de Ioppe; Iohannes d’Arsur; Amalricus de Cesarea; Arnulfus de Blancagarda; Amalricus filius eius; Tirricus de Asper; Iordanus de Ripelmunde. The charter was drawn up by Petrus vicecancellarius regis.
Jul. 3. Jerusalem. Amalric, per dei gratiam in sancta civitate Ierusalem Latinorum rex quintus, records under seal an exchange he makes with Phillippus Ruffus and his legitimate heirs. The king gives Phillippus the 2 casalia of Arabia and Zakanin, with the gastinae of Derhenne, Mezera and Misklin... more
sources: Mayer, UKJ 2:632-5, no. 364 (RRH no. 517)
year: 1174
initiator: Hospital of Saint John of Jerusalem
recipient: Sybille, abbess of the monastery of Saint Anne
institution: Hospital of Saint John of Jerusalem
additional institution: Saint Anne
text: *Jul. 15 - Dec. 24. [138] Exchange of some vineyards between the Hospital of St John of Jerusalem and Sybille, abbess of the monastery of St Anne of Jerusalem.
*Jul. 15 - Dec. 24. [138] Exchange of some vineyards between the Hospital of St John of Jerusalem and Sybille, abbess of the monastery of St Anne of Jerusalem.
sources: Delaville Le Roulx, Cart Hosp 1:313, no. 456 (RRH no. 517c)
RRR: Eleemosynary grant
year: 1175
initiator: Patriarch Amalric of Jerusalem
recipient: Hospital of Saint John of Jerusalem
institution: Hospital of Saint John of Jerusalem
text: Aug. 1-31. At the request of Josbertus magister Hospitalis, frater Garinus preceptor and their brothers, and with the agreement of his chapter, Patriarch Amalric of Jerusalem makes a sealed eleemosynary grant to the Hospital of St John of Jerusalem, to benefit the sick. He gives the annual census of 20 besants, payable at Easter, which his church had taken from the house that used to belong to Rotbertus de Belgenci. And he gives the Hospitallers licence to build on the site of that house and the houses of Willelmus Patronus, the abbess of St Lazarus, Petrus Sellarius and Parsanus in the street [vicus] that descends from the Gate of David, when they acquire them. In return the magister and preceptor, with the advice of the chapter of the Hospital of St John, give the patriarch the following rents which they had enjoyed: 36 besants from the house of Odo de Barulo, payable in two equal instalments at Easter and on the Feast of the Holy Cross; 16 besants from the house of Henricus Alemmanus, payable in two equal instalments at Christmas and on the Feast of St John. These houses are next to one another in the street [vicus] in the patriarchal quarter that leads to the Gate of St Stephen. They are bordered to the north by houses which owe rent to the Hospitallers and to the south by a volta, which owes rent to the Hospitallers and is below the house of a Surianus. The Hospitallers also give the canons of the Holy Sepulchre the rent of 7 besants, payable in the middle of March, they have drawn on the statio of Lambertus Patriarche which is in the vicus Coquinatorum. The canons had given this statio to the Hospitallers in exchange for some empty land belonging to the Hospital before the Gate of St Helena. The Hospitallers also gave the rent of 1 besant, which the canons had paid [for this exchange] on the Feast of St Stephen. The Hospitallers confirm that they owe the patriarch 60 besants in rent a year. Witnesses: of the priests, Petrus prior dominici Sepulcri; Johannes Pictavus; Hugo de Nigella; Reinaldus de Lochis; Constantinus; Petrus precentor; Bernardus de Antiochia; Baldoinus thesaurarius; of the deacons, Odo; Petrus; Petrus Bithuricensis; of the subdeacons, Petrus de Machumeria; Rotbertus de Roma; of the patriarchal clergy, Eraclius archidiaconus patriarche; Dalmacius canonicus bajulus patriarche; Girardus capellanus; Petrus clericus; of the lay homines of the patriarch, Galfredus dapifer; Aldebertus pincerna; Petrus Lombardus; Arnaldus mareschalchus. The charter was drawn up by magister Monachus cancellarius.
Aug. 1-31. At the request of Josbertus magister Hospitalis, frater Garinus preceptor and their brothers, and with the agreement of his chapter, Patriarch Amalric of Jerusalem makes a sealed eleemosynary grant to the Hospital of St John of Jerusalem, to benefit the sick. He gives the annual census... more
sources: Delaville Le Roulx, Cart Hosp 1:332-3, no. 483 (RRH no. 528)
RRR: Confirmation/renewal of grants
year: 1176
initiator: Rainaldus ecclesie Montis Syon minister
recipient: King Amalric
institution: Mount Sion
text: Dec. 25 1175 - Dec. 24 1176. With the agreement of his chapter, Rainaldus ecclesie Montis Syon minister confirms under seal an exchange made with King Amalric [between Feb. 18 1163 and Dec. 24 1173], in which the abbey surrendered a vineyard at the foot of Mt Sion, below the house known as that of Germanus, together with another little vineyard [vineola] adjacent to it to the south, at the crossroads next to the house of Germanus, in exchange for a vineyard next to the church of St Procopius. The purpose is to construct a pool [lacus] for the use of all Christians [on the site of the vineyards]. Witnesses: Petrus abbas Josaphat; domnus Ribaldus abbas Latine; domnus Rogerius abbas Templi; Rohardus castellanus; Anselmus de Brie; Anselmus Babic.
Dec. 25 1175 - Dec. 24 1176. With the agreement of his chapter, Rainaldus ecclesie Montis Syon minister confirms under seal an exchange made with King Amalric [between Feb. 18 1163 and Dec. 24 1173], in which the abbey surrendered a vineyard at the foot of Mt Sion, below the house known as that of... more
sources: Bresc-Bautier, Cart St-Sépulcre, p. 313, no. 161 (RRH no. 536)
RRR: Eleemosynary grant
year: 1177
initiator: Baldwin IV
recipient: Petrus prior and the canons of the Holy Sepulchre
institution: Holy Sepulchre
text: Dec. 25 1176 - Jun. 30 1177. Jerusalem. Baldwin, per dei gratiam in sancta civitate Ierusalem Latinorum rex VIus, confirms under seal, regie maiestatis auctoritate, an exchange made with Petrus prior ecclesie sancte Resurrectionis and the canons of the Holy Sepulchre. The king makes a sealed eleemosynary grant of an annual rent of 2 quintarii of grapes, collected from his vineyards near the church of the Holy Cross, in return for the tithe of the vineyards next to the church of St Procopius, which his father King Amalric gave to the abbey of Mt Sion in exchange for the lacus Germani, which is for the common use of all the city. Witnesses: Willelmus marchisius Ascalonitanus et Ioppensis comes; Iohannes de Assur; Anselmus de Bria; Roardus castellanus Ierusalem; Petrus de Creseca; Anselmus Dabim: Willelmus Patrum. The charter was drawn up by Lambertus domni regis capellanus.
Dec. 25 1176 - Jun. 30 1177. Jerusalem. Baldwin, per dei gratiam in sancta civitate Ierusalem Latinorum rex VIus, confirms under seal, regie maiestatis auctoritate, an exchange made with Petrus prior ecclesie sancte Resurrectionis and the canons of the Holy Sepulchre. The king makes a sealed... more
sources: Mayer, UKJ 2:673-5, 764, nos. 393, 449 (RRH no. 552)
year: 1177
initiator: Bohemond III, prince of Antioch
recipient: Heirs of Petrus Gay/Gai, that is to say his son Salvagius, his daughter Milessent and her husband Stephanus
institution: Hospital of Saint John of Jerusalem
text: Nov. 29. [148] Bohemond III, son of Prince Raymond, Dei gratia princeps Antiochenus, records under seal that the heirs of Petrus Gay/Gai, that is to say his son Salvagius, his daughter Milessent and her husband Stephanus, came to the prince’s curia and in his presence renounced the claims they had made against the Hospital of St John of Jerusalem over all that Petrus had possessed: the gastina called Naria situated at the Pons Ferri, which he had held of S. Abraham, vineyards held by the Hospital of St John and the gastina S. Basilii, which had belonged to Mychael Magnus, Georgius Rayz and Theodorus notarius ducis, with all its appurtenances, particularly 2 canuti. They surrendered old charters. In return the Hospital gave them 1000 besants of Antioch [bisancii Antiocheni] in the presence of Prince Bohemond and his court. Witnesses: Guiscardus de Insula; Johannes de Salquin; Richerius de Lerminat; Rogerius de Surdeval; Gaufredus Dordan; Garinus Guegnart; Odo de Maire; Symon dux Antiochie. The charter was drawn up by Johannes cancellarius.
Nov. 29. [148] Bohemond III, son of Prince Raymond, Dei gratia princeps Antiochenus, records under seal that the heirs of Petrus Gay/Gai, that is to say his son Salvagius, his daughter Milessent and her husband Stephanus, came to the prince’s curia and in his presence renounced the claims they had... more
sources: Delaville Le Roulx, Cart Hosp 1:356-7, no. 522 (RRH no. 550)