year: 1163
initiator: Radulfus Bethleem episcopus
recipient: Commune of Marseille
text: † Dec. 25 1162 - Dec. 24 1163. Jerusalem. Radulfus Bethleem episcopus records under seal that with the consent of his chapter he has pledged [as a vifgage] to the commune of Marseille the casale of Romadet and houses in Acre near the houses of the Temple. This is in exchange for 1211 Saracen besants. If the debt is not repaid the commune can dispose of the properties as it wishes. Witnesses: of the canons of Bethlehem who are priests [sacerdotes], David prior; Symon sellararius; Godefridus thesaurarius; Arnaudus; Bartholomeus; Guillelmus Grossus; Nicolaus de Gibelet; of the deacons, Guarinus de Crenet; Guarnerius iuvenis; of the laymen, Iocelinus miles; Lodouicus senescalcus; Iohannes de Bethleem; Raynaldus de Ioppe; Ancelinus; Robertus de Mamos. The charter was drawn up by Symon cellarius.
† Dec. 25 1162 - Dec. 24 1163. Jerusalem. Radulfus Bethleem episcopus records under seal that with the consent of his chapter he has pledged [as a vifgage] to the commune of Marseille the casale of Romadet and houses in Acre near the houses of the Temple. This is in exchange for 1211 Saracen... more
sources: Mayer, Marseilles Levantehandel, pp. 179-81 [93] (RRH no. 386)
year: 1163
initiator: Girbertus [of Assailly], master of the Hospital
recipient: Hugo, Cesaree Palestine dominus
institution: Hospital of Saint John of Jerusalem
text: *Dec. 25 1162 - Dec. 24 1163. Exchange made between Gibert, master of the Hospital of St John of Jerusalem, and Hugues seigneur de Césarée. Gibert surrenders a casale called Altafia in return for 2 casalia called Zafaira and Abeiria.
*Dec. 25 1162 - Dec. 24 1163. Exchange made between Gibert, master of the Hospital of St John of Jerusalem, and Hugues seigneur de Césarée. Gibert surrenders a casale called Altafia in return for 2 casalia called Zafaira and Abeiria.
sources: Delaville Le Roulx, Cart Hosp 1:227, no. 316 (RRH no. 391b)
RRR: Eleemosynary grant
year: 1166
initiator: Hugo, Cesaree Palestine dominus
recipient: Hospital of Saint John of Jerusalem
institution: Hospital of Saint John of Jerusalem
text: Dec. 25 1165 - Apr. 29 1166. [106] Hugo dominus Cesaree Palestine, with the agreement of his wife Isabella and his homines, makes an eleemosynary grant to the Hospital of St John of Jerusalem, represented by Girbertus prior Hospitalis magister. He gives a casale called Hadedun and 2 guastinae. The boundaries are as follows: to the west dunae….. of dominus Hugo Feustellus; to the north the land stretches as far as the river [flumaria] by way of an old berchile and ends [at] S. Michaelis… casale…of Engelbertus; to the east the boundary ends, by way of a bechile, with the casale of the [canons of the] Templum Domini; to the south by way of the turon Bufali it ends….with the land of Seraphia belonging to the archbishop, as far as a large lake [lacus]. Hugo adds to his gift a curtile that had belonged to Urricus Tendilla and the salt pans [salina] of Gervasius, with as much land as is needed to produce salt fully and to build houses for colonists [incolae]. In return for Hadedun he receives from the Hospital 2000 besants in charity. Petrus Perrez, his wife Maria and his children Paganus and Mathalia surrender the casale of Hadedun, in exchange for a rent [assisia] given by Hugo de Cesarea, and confirm the grant. Witnesses: Petrus Costi vicecomes Cesaree; dominus Robertus de Cozi; dominus Bertinus; dominus Rainerius de Galenie; dominus Carlus; dominus Rogerius Gualez; dominus Ernaldus filius Heri; Petrus de Fossato vicecomes Calenzun; dominus Paganus de Calenzun; dominus Gervasius Cesaree; Rohardus Rufus; Petrus de S. Germano and many others; and dominus Johannes Costi, who was absent at first, but was afterwards a witness.
Dec. 25 1165 - Apr. 29 1166. [106] Hugo dominus Cesaree Palestine, with the agreement of his wife Isabella and his homines, makes an eleemosynary grant to the Hospital of St John of Jerusalem, represented by Girbertus prior Hospitalis magister. He gives a casale called Hadedun and 2 guastinae. The... more
sources: Delaville Le Roulx, Cart Hosp 1:243-4, no. 350 (RRH no. 426)
year: 1166
initiator: Hugo, Cesaree Palestine dominus
recipient: Petrus prior and the canons of the Holy Sepulchre
institution: Holy Sepulchre
text: Sept. 1 - Dec. 24. Hugo Cesaree Palestine dominus, with the agreement of his wife Ysabel and the advice of his probi homines, makes a sealed grant to Petrus prior and the Latin canons of the Holy Sepulchre. He gives them the mountain next to the garden of Feissa, where rise the waters that feed the aqueduct. The land stretches from the road that comes from Braicaet towards the Casale Sancti Sepulcri, eastwards, by way of the cavea which is between two hills and the river bed [torrens] that flows in winter, to a small hill situated between the said mountain and the mountain of Broiquet; and from the bed of the river bed towards the aforesaid small hill along the side [per crepidinem] of the small hill, as designated by crosses, towards a hillock [monticulum], called the lime kiln [calcis fornax], and then to the south to another hillock, which is not far away, which was the old lime kiln [calcis fornax], extending along the side of the hill in a straight line to a wall [spina] on the plain, which divides the casale of Faisse, belonging to the Holy Sepulchre, from the casale of Sabarim, belonging to the Hospital. The boundaries were drawn by the canons of the Holy Sepulchre with Georgius and his son Balduinus. Hugo retains the right to repair the old aqueduct and the spring that feeds it, in order to convey water to his sugar cane plantation at Casale Bubalorum. In return for this he will provide the canons with half a quintala [of sugar] each year from a sugar cane press [macera], and if there is a surfeit [amplius] he will provide a whole quintala. He can construct another aqueduct and dig another spring to lead water to the aforesaid casale. Hugo also confirms the gift made by his grandfather Eustachius Granerii and his father Galterius, with the boundaries that were established. He adds the privilege that the canons can sell or buy, weigh and measure and transport by land or sea without any payment of usaticum or exactio throughout his land, within and outside the city of Caesarea. The canons give Hugo 400 besants in return for the gift and confirmation. Witnesses: Rainerius episcopus Sebasten[sis]; Radulfus prepositus; Johannes cantor Cesariensis; Symon canonicus; Arnulfus subprior; Petrus Lombardus; frater Adam; frater Vitalis; Petrus de Mahumeria; Petrus Costa vicecomes; Engilbertus de Aria; Carolus; Hamelinus; Rodbertus de Cossia; Georgius; Balduinus filius ejus.
Sept. 1 - Dec. 24. Hugo Cesaree Palestine dominus, with the agreement of his wife Ysabel and the advice of his probi homines, makes a sealed grant to Petrus prior and the Latin canons of the Holy Sepulchre. He gives them the mountain next to the garden of Feissa, where rise the waters that feed the... more
sources: Bresc-Bautier, Cart St-Sépulcre, pp. 271-2, no. 139 (RRH no. 425)
RRR: Eleemosynary grant
year: 1167
initiator: Domina Petronilla
recipient: Willelmus Grifon
institution: Hospital of Saint John of Jerusalem
text: Dec. 25 1166 - Dec. 24 1167 [111] Early in 1167]. Domina Petronilla, the daughter of Porcellus civis Jherusalem, arranged with Willelmus Grifon that her son Adam should marry his daughter. She assigned as a marriage portion [dotis nomine] 300 besants to the daughter of Willelmus, raised on a statio in the rua Surianorum, which they held of the Hospital of St John of Jerusalem. Forced by necessity, Petronilla and Adam have the agreement of Willelmus and his daughter to act as they please with respect to the statio. They give the statio as an alms-gift to the Hospital, receiving in charity 360 besants, and with the agreement of the chapter of the Hospital they raise the marriage portion of 300 besants on lands and houses that they hold of the Hospital in Cacho. At this time Gibertus magister Hospitalis is overseas. Witnesses: of the brothers of the Hospital, frater Guido de Maun preceptor; frater Castus de Murol thesaurarius; frater Piotus custos infirmorum; frater Stephanus subthesaurarius; frater Bernardus de Asinaria; of the burgenses, Villelmus Norman; Balduinus de Leun; Petrus de S. Lazaro; filius ejus Petrus; Petrus de S. Jacobo; Stephanus Umberti; Robertus Forbitor.
Dec. 25 1166 - Dec. 24 1167 [111] Early in 1167]. Domina Petronilla, the daughter of Porcellus civis Jherusalem, arranged with Willelmus Grifon that her son Adam should marry his daughter. She assigned as a marriage portion [dotis nomine] 300 besants to the daughter of Willelmus, raised on a... more
sources: Delaville Le Roulx, Cart Hosp 4:248-9, no 372 (RRH no. 434a)
year: 1167
initiator: Patriarch Amalric of Jerusalem
recipient: Rainaud abbot of Saint Mary of the Latins
institution: Hospital of Saint John of Jerusalem
additional institution: Saint Mary of the Latins
text: *Dec. 25 1166 - Dec. 24 1167. Patriarch Amalric of Jerusalem confirms an exchange between the Hospital of St John of Jerusalem and Rainaud abbot of St Mary of the Latins, in which the Hospital acquires a house in Jerusalem, owing cens of 1 besant to the Patriarch.
*Dec. 25 1166 - Dec. 24 1167. Patriarch Amalric of Jerusalem confirms an exchange between the Hospital of St John of Jerusalem and Rainaud abbot of St Mary of the Latins, in which the Hospital acquires a house in Jerusalem, owing cens of 1 besant to the Patriarch.
sources: Delaville Le Roulx, Cart Hosp 1:256, no. 373 (RRH no. 434b)
year: 1167
initiator: Patriarch Amalric of Jerusalem
recipient: Hospital of Saint John of Jerusalem
institution: Holy Sepulchre
additional institution: Hospital of Saint John of Jerusalem
text: Mar. 1-31. Patriarch Amalric of Jerusalem, with the consent of Petrus prior dominici Sepulcri and his chapter, seals an exchange with the Hospital of St John of Jerusalem. The patriarch gives the Hospital some land, situated beween on the east the house of Petrus clericus, on the west and north the porcharia of the patriarch and the Greek nunnery [monasterium Grecarum monialium] and on the south the houses of Robertus Medicus and the monastery of St George. The patriarch also surrenders the rent [censualiter] of 1 besant owed by the Hospital for the houses of Robertus Medicus. In return the Hospital gives the patriarch houses that had belonged to Rainaldus de Monte Laudato, situated beween the vicus Coquinati and the vicus Parmentariorum on the corner [in angulo illo] from which one goes to the church of the Holy Sepulchre. The Hospital has already built a wall on the land. Its maintenance will be shared beween the patriarch and the Hospital. Witnesses: of the clerics, Rainaldus capellanus; Rotbertus de Lochis diaconus; Rotbertus de Thesauro diaconus; Petrus clericus; Johannes clericus de capella; of the laymen, Fulcomar frater Tetbaudi; Gaufridus dapifer; Rotbertus de Pinquegni; Audebertus pincerva; Arn. marescalcus; Aubertus Lombardus; Poncius gener ejus; Willelmus Ebraut; Rotbertus de Baugenci; Johannes Turonensis; Fulco aurifaber; Petrus de S. Lazaro; filius ejus Petrus. The charter was drawn up by Amalricus cancellarius.
Mar. 1-31. Patriarch Amalric of Jerusalem, with the consent of Petrus prior dominici Sepulcri and his chapter, seals an exchange with the Hospital of St John of Jerusalem. The patriarch gives the Hospital some land, situated beween on the east the house of Petrus clericus, on the west and north the... more
sources: Delaville Le Roulx, Cart Hosp 1:257-8, no. 376 (RRH no. 431)
RRR: Eleemosynary grant
year: 1168
initiator: King Amalric
recipient: Hospital of Saint John of Jerusalem
institution: Hospital of Saint John of Jerusalem
text: Oct. 11. Jerusalem. Amalric, per dei gratiam in sancta civitate Ierusalem Latinorum rex quintus, makes an eleemosynary grant to the Hospital of St John of Jerusalem, Gibertus venerabilis magister and his successors. He gives Bilbais [Bulbesium] with everything the inhabitants of the city and its territory possess, all its inhabitants and as much of the cultivated and uncultivated land extending towards Syria and the sea that with Bilbais itself will return 100000 old besants [bisantii vetera] a year. He adds a further grant of 50000 old besants a year, to be raised in 10 Egyptian cities: 5000 each from Old Cairo [in Babylone], Thanes, Damietta, the insula Mall., Alexandria, Chus, Suana, Whe, Ahideph and Fun. In each of these cities the Hospital is to have one of the better houses or palatia after the king has made his choice. And if the treasure of the mulanus and those in other cities and ville come into the king’s hands without the use of force, he gives a tithe of the treasure of Cairo [Caharium], other cities and the land. If, on the other hand, force has to be employed, the Hospital will receive a tithe only after the half owing to the king according to the law of war [secundum militares iusticias] has been subtracted, although the magister and brothers will also have their due share of the spoils of war [per militias partes]. In return the Hospital of St John of Jerusalem, its magister and brothers, will provide 500 milites and the same number of well armed turcopoli for the expedition. They will muster at Larriz and will report to the marescalcus or the comestabulus. If the troops provided are more or less than those specified, the rewards for the Hospital mentioned above will be adjusted proportionately. In whatever future expedition the brothers of the Hospital display their banner [vexillum] they will enjoy all the spoil, unless the king is himself present in person. This applies to future [expeditions], if [Egypt] is not taken and restored to Christianity. Witnesses: Fridericus Tyrensis archiepiscopus; Aitardus Nazarenus archiepiscopus; Rodulfus Bethleemiticus expiscopus; Willermus Aconensis episcopus; Gualterus princeps Galilee; Hugo domnus Ibelini; [domnus Vn]fredus de Torone; Willelmus marescalcus; domnus Milo de Plancei; domnus Gormundus de Tyberiade; Guago de Noua Uilla; Godefridus de Bremai; Gui de Maneriis. The charter was written by Radulfus episcopus Bethleemiticus regisque cancellarius.
Oct. 11. Jerusalem. Amalric, per dei gratiam in sancta civitate Ierusalem Latinorum rex quintus, makes an eleemosynary grant to the Hospital of St John of Jerusalem, Gibertus venerabilis magister and his successors. He gives Bilbais [Bulbesium] with everything the inhabitants of the city and its... more
year: 1168
initiator: King Amalric
recipient: Gelterus de Berito Albe Custodie dominus
text: *Mar. 18 1164 - Nov. 18 1168 (1167?). King Amalric gives Galterus de Berito Albe Custodie dominus a rent to be drawn from the cathena of Acre in return for the lordship of Beirut.
*Mar. 18 1164 - Nov. 18 1168 (1167?). King Amalric gives Galterus de Berito Albe Custodie dominus a rent to be drawn from the cathena of Acre in return for the lordship of Beirut.
sources: Mayer, UKJ 2:557-8, no. 320
year: 1169
initiator: Gaufridus Tortus
recipient: Garinus abbas Montis Tabor
institution: Mount Tabor
text: Sept. 24 - 30. Goifredus Tortus gives Garinus S. Salvatoris Montis Thabor abbas a rent of 12 besants, to be collected from his house in Acre each year at Easter and drawn from the sugar production [de zuchare] at his casale called Manueth. In return, the abbot, with the consent of his chapter, returns a villanus, residing in a place called Cassia, whom Rogerius, the father of Goifredus, had given to the abbey in alms. Witnesses: of the monks, Lanzulinus prior; Dominicus subprior; Girardus cantor; Ugo Pisanus; Petrus de Podio; Martinus; Stephanus; Marcus; Dominicus; of the milites, Simon de Laa; Rau de Batailla; Egidius; Helyas; Petrus de Savaingny; of the tricopuli of Buria, Odo; Godofridus.
Sept. 24 - 30. Goifredus Tortus gives Garinus S. Salvatoris Montis Thabor abbas a rent of 12 besants, to be collected from his house in Acre each year at Easter and drawn from the sugar production [de zuchare] at his casale called Manueth. In return, the abbot, with the consent of his chapter,... more
sources: Delaville Le Roulx, Cart Hosp 2:905-6, no. 14 (RRH no. 468)