year: 1157
initiator: Rogerius Clericus
recipient: Hospital of Saint John of Jerusalem
institution: Hospital of Saint John of Jerusalem
text: Dec. 25 1156 - Dec. 24 1157. Agreement on an exchange between Rogerius Clericus and the Hospital of St John of Jerusalem, represented by Amoramus thesaurarius and Willelmus de Bellomonte, and with the consent of Geraldus Ugonis preceptor Hospitalis. Rogerius gives small houses [medias domos] situated next to the voltae of the Hospital in ruga Sancti Stephani, before which the new stationes of the Holy Sepulchre stand. These houses were left to Rogerius by his mother Fraxenda when she died. They are given in exchange for the house of Goffridus de Karitate which is situated in ruga Coquinati, bordering on the house of Pons Gaanna, which is behind it, the house of Willelmus Palmerius which is to the right and is in ascensu ruge Parmenteriorum, and the house of Aimericus Guittardus de Maumeria, which is to the left. The agreement is sealed with the seal of the Hospital. Witnesses: Stephanus Rufus; frater Johannes presbiter; frater Petrus de Opere; Ugo de Asinaria; Umbertus de Bar; Petrus Salomon; Guibertus Papais; Uldredus Aurifex; Willelmus de Bethleem; Willelmus de Palmerio; Palais Galicus.
Dec. 25 1156 - Dec. 24 1157. Agreement on an exchange between Rogerius Clericus and the Hospital of St John of Jerusalem, represented by Amoramus thesaurarius and Willelmus de Bellomonte, and with the consent of Geraldus Ugonis preceptor Hospitalis. Rogerius gives small houses [medias domos]... more
sources: Delaville Le Roulx, Cart Hosp 1:188-9, no. 249 (RRH no. 329)
year: 1158
initiator: Amalricus comes Ascalonis
recipient: Canons of the Holy Sepulchre
institution: Holy Sepulchre
text: Nov. 14. Ascalon. Amalricus comes Ascalonis makes a sealed eleemosynary grant, confirming for the canons of the Holy Sepulchre, represented by Hugo dictus de Tharso, decanus Joppensis, the sale for 52 besants to Hugo of a pecia, consisting of two parts of a vineyard, by a Surianus called Naym. Amalricus gives the third part of the vineyard, which had belonged to him, to the decanus and brothers of the Holy Sepulchre, to which he adds whatever belonged to him in the vineyard of the Surianus Menferretus. The 2 pecię were next to the vineyard of the Holy Sepulchre on the eastern side. In return for this Hugo makes a counter-gift to Amalricus of 100 besants. Witnesses: Jocelinus de Samusac; frater eius Balduinus; Garcio; Iordanus Bestia; Raphael; Poncius; Thomas Turchię; sororius eius Herbertus; Lambertus Galiota. The charter was drawn up by Radulfus cancellarius.
Nov. 14. Ascalon. Amalricus comes Ascalonis makes a sealed eleemosynary grant, confirming for the canons of the Holy Sepulchre, represented by Hugo dictus de Tharso, decanus Joppensis, the sale for 52 besants to Hugo of a pecia, consisting of two parts of a vineyard, by a Surianus called Naym.... more
sources: Mayer, UKJ 2:523-4, no. 296 (RRH no. 334)
year: 1158
initiator: Hugo de Hybelino
recipient: Canons of the Holy Sepulchre
institution: Holy Sepulchre
text: Sept. 24 - Dec. 24. Jerusalem. In capitulo Sancti Sepulcri. Hugo de Ybelino, with the consent of his brothers Balduinus and Barisanus, his sister Hermengardis, his mother Alois and his uncles Philippus de Neapoli, Guido Francigena and Henricus Bubalus, sells to the canons of the Holy Sepulchre Huetdebes with its villani and Deirmugsin with its villani, which Hugo’s father Barisanus had given to Muisse Arrabit and his son Georgius and which had then been willingly exchanged by Muisse Arrabit and Georgius. Hugo, forced by the need to pay ransom for his release from captivity, sells the casalia, freed from all servitium dominium, for 3000 besants. Hugo’s brothers Balduinus and Barisanus, his mother Alois, his sister Hermengardis and his uncles Philippus de Neapoli, Guido Francigena and Henricus Bubalus, together with his relations [cognati] Philippus de Cafran and his brother, and Petrus de Teillei agree to the sale. On behalf of minors, Hugo’s sister Stephania and the heirs of Arrabit and his son Georgius, Hugo de Hybelino, his brother Balduinus, and Hugo’s homines, Muisse Arrabit and his son Georgius, Symon de Haia, Ordelet and his son Stephanus, Adam de Orgeol, Nicholaus de Hybelino, Hosmundus, his brother Radulfus, Lebertus, Paganus de Rohais and Philippus de Cafran swear to be guarantors and will go to the chapter of the Holy Sepulchre to confirm the sale within a year. If there is any reduction in what is due Hugo will answer to the Holy Sepulchre in Jerusalem within 15 days of a summons to remain as hostages. The sale is agreed by Amalricus comes Ascal[onis], in whose feodum the casalia lie, and who has sealed it, because Hugo has no seal. Witnesses: Constantinus Liddensis episcopus; Absalon episcopus; Gaufridus abbas Templi; Rainaldus prior Latinę; Petrus de Calvario; Petrus Bertrandi frater Hospitalis; Willelmus Acer frater Hospitalis; Azo capellanus casalis Balneorum; Radulfus capellanus Ramarum; Paletel vicecomes Ybelini; of the burgenses of the king, Humbertus de Bar; Symon Ruffus; Bricius; Gaufridus Turonensis; Willelmus Normannus; Johannes Raimundi; Guibertus Papais; Petrus Burdinus; Petrus de Sancto Jacobo; Hugo Saliens in bonum; Radulfus Burgensis; Petrus de Sancto Lazaro; Johannes Vitrarius; Evervvinus; Anschetinus; Johannes, filius Rainaldi; Pictavus.
Sept. 24 - Dec. 24. Jerusalem. In capitulo Sancti Sepulcri. Hugo de Ybelino, with the consent of his brothers Balduinus and Barisanus, his sister Hermengardis, his mother Alois and his uncles Philippus de Neapoli, Guido Francigena and Henricus Bubalus, sells to the canons of the Holy Sepulchre... more
sources: Bresc-Bautier, Cart St-Sépulcre, pp. 136-8, no. 51; UKJ 2:524-5, no. 297 (RRH no. 333)
year: 1159
initiator: Arnaldus Dominici Sepulcri prior
recipient: Burgenses of Mahumeria
institution: Holy Sepulchre
text: 1158 - 1159. Arnaldus Dominici Sepulcri prior, with the agreement of his chapter, records exchanges made at Mahumeria with certain burgenses of the village [villa]. (1). An agreement made with Guibertus Papasius, with the consent of his wife Usanna, in which he exchanges the vineyard next to the cemetery and church of Mons Gaudii, inherited by Usanna, for a part [pars] at the far end [extrema pars] of the great vineyard that is next to the upper road [via superior] and adjoins another vineyard belonging to Guibertus on which he owes decima et terraticum. Tithes will be owed on Guibertus’s acquisition. [2]. An agreement with Gauterius Carpentarius, who exchanges a vineyard adjoining the one that had belonged to Guibertus Papasius for a vineyard in another part of the great vineyard, next to the high road [magna via], for which he will owe tithes. (3). An agreement with Ainardus Cavallom, who exchanges part of a vineyard, next to that which had belonged to Gauterius Carpentarius for another part of a vineyard in the great vineyard, this also being next to that of Gauterius Carpentarius. Tithes will be paid. Ainardus, impelled by poverty and having nothing with which to feed and bring up his wife and children, has sold this part to Martinus Carpentarius of Mons Gaudii for 26 besants with the consent of his lord and the court [curia]. (4). An agreement with the daughters of Pontius Faverius and their husbands. They exchange 30 jugera of cultivated land in the territory of Kalandria, owing decima et terraticum, for 2 petiae of a vineyard in valle Sancte Marie, one of 4 jugera, the other of 2 jugera, which had belonged to frater Petrus de Rametis, for which they will give tertia et decima. (5). The prior gives Stephanus Pastinace the vineyard that had belonged to frater Arnaldus on condition that he cultivates the wasteland and pays medietas et decima annually. (6) An agreement made with Helyas and Amicus, his relation [gener], in which they exchange part of their garden which is next to the berquilium, for a pars of uncultivated land that had come to the canons in their agreement with Robertus de Retest and adjoins land belonging to Helyas. (7). An agreement with the hospitale at Mahumeria in which the hospitale exchanges part of a garden that stretches between the berquilia of the Holy Sepulchre and the hospitale for 2 jugera of the vineyard that had belonged to frater Stephanus Ortalis. Tithe will be owed for this. (8). Frater Robertus Porcarius gave himself and all his possessions to the Holy Sepulchre [on becoming a confrater]. This was confirmed at Mahumeria by domnus A. prior, assisted by the burgenses of the village [villa] in plenarie curie, to whom Robertus handed a staff [baculum], giving everything to the Holy Sepulchre. Robertus enumerated his possessions, specifying land next to that of Robertus Ungarus, which had been given by Prior Giraldus to him and his wife, previously married to Umbertus, but which he had abandoned because he had not been able to cultivate it; some adjoining land given by Prior Petrus, who later became archbishop of Tyre, to Robertus in an exchange for land he had bought from Galterius Bela; and land nearby which Prior P. had given and on which was owed terraticum et decimam. (9). Prior Arnaldus and domnus Robertus de Retest came to Mahumeria and agreed on the boundaries of their respective territories. They chose an elderly Sarracenus called Pes Tortus, a homo rusticus of Robertus, to provide evidence of the boundary. This survey took place in the presence of the following canons of the Holy Sepulchre: domnus Petrus elemosinarius; domnus Bernardus Antiochenus; frater Pisanus; Petrus Judaeus; Johannes interpres; Arbertus; Stephanus. The son of the aforesaid Robertus [de Retest] was also present.
1158 - 1159. Arnaldus Dominici Sepulcri prior, with the agreement of his chapter, records exchanges made at Mahumeria with certain burgenses of the village [villa]. (1). An agreement made with Guibertus Papasius, with the consent of his wife Usanna, in which he exchanges the vineyard next to the... more
sources: Bresc-Bautier, Cart St-Sépulcre, pp. 244-7, no. 121 (RRH no. 340)
year: 1160
initiator: Baldwin III
recipient: Rainaldus Falconarius
text: Mar. 16. During the siege of Blahasent/Belhasam [Qal‘at Abu’l-Hassan]. Baldwin, per dei gratiam in sancta civitate Iherusalem Latinorum rex, with the agreement of his wife Theodora Iherosolimorum regina and his brother Amalricus comes Ascalonitanus, confirms under seal an agreement with Rainaldus Falconarius. Rainaldus allows the king to create as many canals as he likes to draw off water from the River of Acre, called Belus, to irrigate his sugar cane plantations. In return the king will give Rainaldus one fifth of the profits from the sale of sugar, after expenses have been deducted. The king permits Rainaldus to exact the same dues [talis exactio et talis consuetudo] from all mills inside and outside Acre as he took formerly from his mills on the River Belus. He promises Rainaldus and his wife domina Luciana, that his heirs will have the same rights. Witnesses: Humfredus de Torono constabularius; Galterius dominus Tiberiadensis; Philippus Neapolitanus; Hugo Cesariensis dominus; Gormundus Tiberiadensis; Guido Francigena; Henricus Bubalus; Rohardus Neapolitanus. The charter was drawn up by Stefanus, acting on behalf of dominus Radulfus Bethleemite episcopus regisque cancellarius.
Mar. 16. During the siege of Blahasent/Belhasam [Qal‘at Abu’l-Hassan]. Baldwin, per dei gratiam in sancta civitate Iherusalem Latinorum rex, with the agreement of his wife Theodora Iherosolimorum regina and his brother Amalricus comes Ascalonitanus, confirms under seal an agreement with Rainaldus... more
sources: Mayer, UKJ 1:462-4, 497, nos. 254, 269; 2:528, no. 300 (RRH no. 344)
year: 1160
initiator: Herbertus abbas Sanctorum Joseph et Abacuc
recipient: Hugo de Hybelino
institution: Saint Joseph and Abacuc
additional institution: Holy Sepulchre
text: Dec. 25 1159 - Jul. 26 1160. [80] Abbey church of St Joseph. Herbertus abbas Sanctorum Joseph et Abacuc, with his convent’s agreement, seals an agreement with Hugo de Ybelino dominus Ramathensis. At Bethel, Hugo’s father Barisanus had given the abbey Bethel and Beze, which is called Bazirim, with 2 carrucatę terrę, 5 jornatę terrę and a tower [turris], with whatever the abbey built there. The abbey could build whatever it wanted. The chapel [capella] the abbey constructed there was given to Prior N[icholaus) and the convent of the Holy Sepulchre on the orders of Patriarch A[malric] and at Hugo’s request. These properties are returned to Hugo, who, in the presence of the convent of SS Joseph and Habakuk, Balduinus archidiaconus Sancti Georgii, Gislebertus cantor Sancti Georgii, magister Anschetinus, frater Robertus de Git, Marsirius miles, Andreas Andegavensis miles and Albertus Lombardus, transfers them to the canons of the Holy Sepulchre, represented by Bernardus cantor and magister Achilles. In exchange Hugo gives SS Joseph and Habakuk part of the turonium which is below Mirabellum ‘ad surdos fontes’ and 2 carrucatę in the same territory. Witnesses: Herbertus abbas [who signs and adds a cross]; of the brothers [of the abbey], Bonetus; Nicholaus; Martinus; Harduinus; Martinus; Robertus; Lambertus; Laurencius; Petrus; Guillelmus; Raimundus; Albertus; Ebroinus; Umbertus; Johannes; Guarinus/Garinus; Anselmus; Bernardus, Christianus, Gerardus, Johannes, Siberandus/Saberandas, Galandus. The charter is sealed with the seals of dominus Constantinus Ramathensis episcopus and of Abbot Herbertus.
Dec. 25 1159 - Jul. 26 1160. [80] Abbey church of St Joseph. Herbertus abbas Sanctorum Joseph et Abacuc, with his convent’s agreement, seals an agreement with Hugo de Ybelino dominus Ramathensis. At Bethel, Hugo’s father Barisanus had given the abbey Bethel and Beze, which is called Bazirim, with... more
sources: Bresc-Bautier, Cart St-Sépulcre, pp. 139-40, no. 52 (RRH no. 358)
RRR: Eleemosynary grant
year: 1160
initiator: Hugo de Hybelino
recipient: Nicholaus prior and the canons of the Holy Sepulchre
institution: Holy Sepulchre
additional institution: Saint Joseph and Abacuc
text: Dec. 25 1159 - Jul. 26 1160. [11] In the presence of Patriarch Amalric and dominus Constantinus Ramathensis episcopus, and with the consent of Abbot Herbertus and the brothers of the abbey of SS Joseph and Habakuk, Hugo de Ybelino Ramathensis dominus, makes an eleemosynary grant in return for the great sum of money [beneficium] provided by the canons of the Holy Sepulchre to achieve his liberation from captivity. He transfers to Nicholaus prior and the convent of the Holy Sepulchre Bethel and Beze, which is called Bazirim, with 2 carrucatę terrę, 5 jornatę terrę and a tower [turris], with whatever the abbey has built there, which at Bethel his father Barisanus had given in alms to the abbey of SS Joseph and Habakuk. In exchange for the return of this property Hugo had given SS Joseph and Habakuk part of the turonium which is below Mirabellum from which spring the surdi fontes and 2 carrucatę in the same territory, which the abbey can develop more conveniently than at Bethel. The church [ecclesia] the abbey constructed at Bethel was given to the prior and convent of the Holy Sepulchre on the orders of Patriarch A[malric] and at Hugo’s request. Now with the consent of his brothers Balduinus and Barisanus and his sisters Ermengardis and Stephania and with the advice of Philippus Neapolitanus he gives the property to his brothers the canons of the Holy Sepulchre, sealing with the seal of his grandfather [avus] Balduinus Ramathensis dominus. Witnesses: Philippus Neapolitanus; Radulfus Jherosolimitanus archidiaconus; Bernardus monachus; Johannes decanus Sancti Georgii; Balduinus archidiaconus; Gillebertus cantor; Franco; magister Anschitinus; Azo capellanus; Radulfus capellanus; Erchembaldus capellanus; Rainaldus de Sancto Valerico/Gallerico; Marsirius de Ramatha; Andreas Andegavensis; Albertus Lombardus; Umbertus de Bar; Symon Ruffus; Herbertus Tortus; Johannes Raimundi. Hugo de Hybelino records that his brother Barisanus has confirmed the sale to the canons of the Holy Sepulchre of the casalia of Odomamel, Dersabę, Corteiz, Hodabet and Dermasun. Witnesses: Radulfus capellanus; Petrus capellanus; Ordeletz; Philippus de Caphrano; Paganus de Rohais; Georgius Arrabiz; Adam Dorniel; Osmundus; Paganus de Hisengrino; Garinus; Jordanus de Hybelino. The charter is sealed by Constantinus Ramathensis episcopus.
Dec. 25 1159 - Jul. 26 1160. [11] In the presence of Patriarch Amalric and dominus Constantinus Ramathensis episcopus, and with the consent of Abbot Herbertus and the brothers of the abbey of SS Joseph and Habakuk, Hugo de Ybelino Ramathensis dominus, makes an eleemosynary grant in return for the... more
sources: Bresc-Bautier, Cart St-Sépulcre, pp. 140-2, no. 53 (RRH no. 360)
RRR: Confirmation/renewal of grants
year: 1160
initiator: Baldwin III
recipient: Amalricus comes Ascalonis
institution: Holy Sepulchre
text: *Aug. 12 1153 - Nov. 29 1160. King Baldwin III confirms an exchange [made by his brother Count Amalric of Ascalon] with the church of the Holy Sepulchre in Jerusalem, in which after the capture of Ascalon the canons were given a mahumeria there, called by the Sarraceni Cathara and by the Latins ‘Green’.
*Aug. 12 1153 - Nov. 29 1160. King Baldwin III confirms an exchange [made by his brother Count Amalric of Ascalon] with the church of the Holy Sepulchre in Jerusalem, in which after the capture of Ascalon the canons were given a mahumeria there, called by the Sarraceni Cathara and by the Latins ‘... more
sources: Mayer, UKJ 1:474-5, no. 259
year: 1161
initiator: Baldwin III
recipient: Balduinus Hulrici vicecomitis Neapolitani filius
text: *Early Summer. King Baldwin III exchanges [for lordships in Samaria] all the land in Transjordan [trans fluvium Iordanem] that Balduinus Hulrici vicecomitis Neapolitani filius had inherited from his father Hulricus, including the castellum Vallis Moysis, together with all villani, Suriani or Sarraceni, on either side of the River Jordan, except for those villani that Balduinus had settled on his land ‘ad ignem et focum hospitatos locatos et manentes in die illa’.
*Early Summer. King Baldwin III exchanges [for lordships in Samaria] all the land in Transjordan [trans fluvium Iordanem] that Balduinus Hulrici vicecomitis Neapolitani filius had inherited from his father Hulricus, including the castellum Vallis Moysis, together with all villani, Suriani or... more
sources: Mayer, UKJ 1:477-8, no. 262
year: 1161
initiator: Baldwin III
recipient: Philipus Neapolitanus
text: Jul. 31. Nazareth. Baldwin, per gratiam dei in sancta Hierusalem Latinorum rex quartus, with the agreement of Theodora, illustris Hierosolimorum regina, his brother Amalricus comes Ascalonitanus, Count Raymond III of Tripoli, domna Melisende, Raymond’s sister and the future empress of Constantinople, her mother and King Baldwin’s maternal aunt domna Hodierna Tripolitana comitissa, and all those concerned, gives under seal to Philipus Neapolitanus and his heirs in perpetuity Mons Regalis, Crach castellum and Ahamanh with all their dependencies, land and honor, covering an area stretching from Zerca to the Red Sea [Mare Rubrum] and even beyond, which had been held by Paganus pincerna regius in his lifetime. The king also gives castellum Vallis Moysis with all the land in Transjordan [trans fluvium Iordanem] with all its villanni, Suriani or Sarraceni, on either side of the River Jordan held by Balduinus, the son of Hulricus vicecomes Neapolitanus, which Hulricus had held in his lifetime before Balduinus. The king had obtained this in an exchange with Balduinus, although excluded from the exchange were the villanni settled by Balduinus ‘ad ignem et ad focum hospitatos locatos et manentes’ on the day the agreements were made. The king transfers to Philippus the fief held in-chief across the River Jordan that Iohannes Gomannus held, together with the servicium previously owed to the king. Henceforward Iohannes Gomannus will owe hominium and servicium to Philippus. The gift is made, ‘salve regie maiestati servicio’. Philippus will hold all future conquests of the king. Excluded from the gift are all the king’s Beduini who were not born in the land of Mons Regalis and all caravans [caravani] crossing the territory on journeys between Alexandria or Egypt and Baghdad [Baldach]. In return Philippus, with the agreement of his wife Helisabet, his son Reynerius and his daughters, his brothers Guido Francigena and Henricus Bubalus, gives the king in exchange the entire feudum that came to him from domnus Rohardus and his wife domna Gisla, which Rohardus and Gisla had held for a year and a day, except for a casale called Adelemia and whatever he has in Montanis Bassis. Philippus gives the king the entire feudum of his father Guido de Mile, which Guido de Mile and Philippus held for a year and a day. Philippus gives the king the feudum in montanis Neapolitanis of Guido Francigena, which Guido held from domnus Rohardus and afterwards from Philippus himself, the feudum of Henricus Bubalus his brother and the feudum of Gaufridus Tortus together with Maron and all that Philippus had in lordship [dominium] in the mountains of Tyre and Toron. All these will now be held of the king, in the same terms as they were held of Philippus and will owe the king servicium. Witnesses: Petrus archiepiscopus Tyriensis; Fredericus episcopus Acconensis; Girardus episcopus Laodicensis; Humfredus de Torono constabularius; filius ejus Humfredus; Gualterius de Sancto Audemaro castellanus et Tyberiadis domnus; Gormundus Tyeriadensis, dominus de Bezans; Hugo Cesariensis domnus; Gualterius Berithi dominus; Arnaldus de Crest; Hugo Sine Censu constabularius Tripolis; Guillelmus Porcelet; Viuianus de Caypha; filius ejus Paganus; Guillelmus marescalcus; Odo de Sancto Amando castellanus et vicecomes Hierosolimitanus; Clarembaldus vicecomes Acconensis; Paganus de Uoch; Girardus de Pogi; Gaufridus Tortus; Gocellinus Pessellus; Rohardus Neapolitanus; Bauduinus de Gebal; Iohannes de Valentinis; Gomerius de Neapoli; Hibertus. The charter was drawn up by Radulfus Bethleemite episcopus rcgisque cancellarius.
Jul. 31. Nazareth. Baldwin, per gratiam dei in sancta Hierusalem Latinorum rex quartus, with the agreement of Theodora, illustris Hierosolimorum regina, his brother Amalricus comes Ascalonitanus, Count Raymond III of Tripoli, domna Melisende, Raymond’s sister and the future empress of... more
sources: Mayer, UKJ 1:479-86, 497 nos. 263, 270; 2:532, no. 306 (RRH no. 366)