year: 1111
initiator: Balduinus dei gratia Berutensis episcopus
recipient: Hospital of Saint John of Jerusalem
institution: Hospital of Saint John of Jerusalem
text: *Sept. 28 1110 – end of 1111. At the request of King Baldwin I, Balduinus dei gratia Berutensis episcopus [bishop-elect] exchanges with the Hospital of St John his house in Jerusalem for one in Beirut.
*Sept. 28 1110 – end of 1111. At the request of King Baldwin I, Balduinus dei gratia Berutensis episcopus [bishop-elect] exchanges with the Hospital of St John his house in Jerusalem for one in Beirut.
sources: Mayer, UKJ 1:173-4, no. 48
year: 1118
initiator: Baldwin I
recipient: Jacobite archbishop Kyrillos V
institution: Saint Mary Magdalene
text: *Oct. 1 1106 – Apr. 2 1118. In return for a large sum of money presented to him by the Jacobite patriarch Athanasios VIII, King Baldwin I restores to the Jacobite archbishop Kyrillos V and the Jacobite monastery of St Mary Magdalene 2 ‘casalia’ [Khirbat ‘Adasa and Bait ‘Arif] that had been sequestered by Gaufrid [of the Tower of David].
*Oct. 1 1106 – Apr. 2 1118. In return for a large sum of money presented to him by the Jacobite patriarch Athanasios VIII, King Baldwin I restores to the Jacobite archbishop Kyrillos V and the Jacobite monastery of St Mary Magdalene 2 ‘casalia’ [Khirbat ‘Adasa and Bait ‘Arif] that had been... more
sources: Mayer, UKJ 1:208-10, no. 75
year: 1132
initiator: Mabilia, a consoror of the church of the Holy Sepulchre
recipient: Canons of the Holy Sepulchre
institution: Holy Sepulchre
text: Jun. 25. Mabilia, a consoror of the church of the Holy Sepulchre, makes an eleemosynary grant, giving the canons of the Holy Sepulchre [dominis meis] her garden. She also leaves them her house on her death. The canons compensate her with 170 besants. They have built a wall round the garden and have spent 40 besants building a cistern there. They also give her for her lifetime a daily allowance of a loaf, half a litra of wine and a salver of cooked food, together with a piece of meat and the same drink as the canons on Sundays and Solemnities. Witnesses: dominus Willelmus patriarcha; and of the canons of the Holy Sepulchre, Petrus prior; Petrus de Barcilona; Hugo prepositus; Gaufridus de Constantinopoli; Radulfus Parisiacensis; Petrus Bernardus; Garnerius de Cenomanne; Guido; Giraldus; Petrus Clementis; Evrardus and other canons; Anschetinus vicecomes, Rainaldus de Pontibus; Gaufridus Acus; Tosetus; Hildredus.
Jun. 25. Mabilia, a consoror of the church of the Holy Sepulchre, makes an eleemosynary grant, giving the canons of the Holy Sepulchre [dominis meis] her garden. She also leaves them her house on her death. The canons compensate her with 170 besants. They have built a wall round the garden and have... more
sources: Bresc-Bautier, Cart St-Sépulcre, pp. 214-15, no. 97 (RRH no. 141)
RRR: Eleemosynary grant
year: 1133
initiator: Balduinus Berutensis episcopusBaldwin bishop of Beirut
recipient: Hospital of Saint John of Jerusalem
institution: Hospital of Saint John of Jerusalem
text: Sept. 26. Jerusalem. In the Hospital of St John [in ipsa domo pauperum]. Balduinus Berutensis episcopus makes a sealed eleemosynary grant to the Hospital of St John of Jerusalem. He gives the Hospital a house in Jerusalem which he had been given to him by King Baldwin I. The house is to be held with full rights, except that Balduinus can lodge in it when he comes to Jerusalem. It is situated between the Hospital’s oven and mill. In return Balduinus is given by Rogerius Paganus, frater noster, a house in Beirut. The exchange is made in the presence of Balduinus. Witnesses: Bernardus Sydoniensis primus episcopus Francorum; domnus R(aymundus) Hospitalis; and his brothers, Willelmus Bertrandus diaconus; Gerardus subdiaconus; Willelmus Aimericus; Rodulfus; and other witnesses, Ricardus Dominici Templi canonicus; Mainardus Berutensis ecclesie clericorum doctor; Lambertus Sancte Sion canonicus; Gaucilinus Templi Domini clericus.
Sept. 26. Jerusalem. In the Hospital of St John [in ipsa domo pauperum]. Balduinus Berutensis episcopus makes a sealed eleemosynary grant to the Hospital of St John of Jerusalem. He gives the Hospital a house in Jerusalem which he had been given to him by King Baldwin I. The house is to be held... more
sources: Delaville Le Roulx, Cart Hosp 1:87-8, no. 100 (RRH no. 144)
year: 1133
initiator: Hugh, lord of Jaffa
recipient: Hospital of Saint John of Jerusalem
institution: Hospital of Saint John of Jerusalem
text: Dec. 25 1132 – Dec. 24 1133. Hugo Joppe dominus, with the agreement of his wife Emma, makes an eleemosynary grant to the Hospital of St John of Jerusalem and to Raimundus magister Hospitalis. He gives a casale called Bulbus. He confirms the donation by Gofridus de Parentei and his wife of the mills of Tres Pontes, with the whole island and 10 carrucatas ad seminandum et garretandum. Raymundus and the Hospitallers make a counter-gift to Hugo of 100 besants and a mule. Witnesses: Dominus Balianus; Girardus Aree; Gerulfus Asnerii; Paganus Osche; Robertus Crassus; Gibertus Piscis; Halelmus dapifer; Odo Caravanna; Rainaldus, nepos episcopi; Hugo marescalcus; Odo cancellarius; Romanus de Podio inscriptionis textor; Garinus filius Bartholomei; of the brothers of the Hospital, Petrus Galatianus presbiter; Pontius presbiter; Girardus clericus; Girardus Job; Barro; Thomas; Garinus.
Dec. 25 1132 – Dec. 24 1133. Hugo Joppe dominus, with the agreement of his wife Emma, makes an eleemosynary grant to the Hospital of St John of Jerusalem and to Raimundus magister Hospitalis. He gives a casale called Bulbus. He confirms the donation by Gofridus de Parentei and his wife of the mills... more
sources: Delaville Le Roulx, Cart Hosp 1:86-7, no. 97 (RRH no. 147)
year: 1135
initiator: Hysimbardus
recipient: Hospital of Saint John of Jerusalem
institution: Hospital of Saint John of Jerusalem
text: Dec. 19. Caesarea. In the archbishop’s camera. Hysimbardus, with the agreement of his wife Roarda, sells the Hospital of St John of Jerusalem, represented by Raimundus magister, a casale called Arthabec for 500 besants. The casale is situated between the casalia of Kalensua to the east, Calodia to the south, Castellare Rogerii Longobardi to the west and Casale Latina to the north. The sale is authorized by Gualterius Cesariensis dominus, in whose territory the casale is situated, in exchange for 150 besants, and by Arnulfus de Haynis, the lord of Hysimbardus, in exchange for 60 besants. Witnesses: Gaudentius Cesariensis archiepiscopus; Gualterius Cesarie dominus; Harnulfus de Haynes; Heustachius Eschoflel; Georgius miles; Rainerius Fornerius; Petrus Bassus; Gerardus Bucxus; Petrus drogomannus de Chaquo; Gualterius vicecomes de Chaquo; Ricardus Faber; of the brothers of the Hospital, Raimundus Thesaurarius; Geraldus Kalensue; Thomas; Hayricus and many others. Petrus scriba wrote the charter.
Dec. 19. Caesarea. In the archbishop’s camera. Hysimbardus, with the agreement of his wife Roarda, sells the Hospital of St John of Jerusalem, represented by Raimundus magister, a casale called Arthabec for 500 besants. The casale is situated between the casalia of Kalensua to the east, Calodia to... more
sources: Delaville Le Roulx, Cart Hosp 1:97, no. 115 (RRH no. 159)
year: 1140
initiator: Petrus prior Dominici Sepulcri
recipient: Raymond of Poitiers, prince of Antioch
institution: Holy Sepulchre
text: Feb. 1 – Apr. 19. Antioch. Petrus prior Dominici Sepulcri records that, together with some of his canons, he travelled from Jerusalem to Antioch to investigate the rights enjoyed by the church of the Holy Sepulchre in the time of the Greeks [Greci] and then under the Turks [Turci]. He found 2 mills, one standing, the other ruined, on the banks of the River Orontes at the head of the bridge leading to the Gate of the Count [of the city], which the Holy Sepulchre had once owned by hereditary right. Having investigated the matter with lord Raymond [of Poitiers], princeps ejusdem civitatis, and husband of Constantia and having taken evidence from elderly Suriani, it was agreed to put the 2 water wheels [duas rotas a parte fluminis] at [one of] these mills, called Funeidec, into the custody of three Suriani called Nicheforus, Michaelis and Nicholas for them and their heirs to hold in feodo villaniᶒ on condition that they meet the expenses in materials required in rebuilding the mill and the barrage [exclusa] for the mill race. In return they will have half of all the profit they make from milling and from fishing, although the division of produce between them and the Holy Sepulchre will only take place in the presence of the canons’ famulus, who will hold the key to the mills. If the mill should be damaged the Syrians will rebuild it; on a third refusal to rebuild the mill will be confiscated. If a miller is convicted of theft he will repay either in marcibans or in besants. If he cannot repay the money will be expropriated by a canon or by the canons’ famulus. The villania cannot be sold or pledged without the permission of the chapter of the Holy Sepulchre. Witnesses: Wlgrinus prepositus Sancti Sepulcri; Aimericus canonicus; Roberts canonicus; Nicholas canonicus; Gamaliel canonicus; Garnerius canonicus; Ansgerius /Angerius abbas [de] Sancto Georgio; Benedictus cantor; Guido canonicus Sancti Georgii; Silvester canonicus; Joscerandus capellanus; Theodorus notarius.
Feb. 1 – Apr. 19. Antioch. Petrus prior Dominici Sepulcri records that, together with some of his canons, he travelled from Jerusalem to Antioch to investigate the rights enjoyed by the church of the Holy Sepulchre in the time of the Greeks [Greci] and then under the Turks [Turci]. He found 2 mills... more
sources: Bresc-Bautier, Cart St-Sépulcre, pp. 183-5, no. 78 (RRH no. 199)
year: 1141
initiator: Brothers of the Hospital of Saint John of Jerusalem
recipient: Robertus Casalis Sancti Egidii and his wife
institution: Hospital of Saint John of Jerusalem
text: Feb. 3. Nablus. Patriarch William of Jerusalem records and seals an agreement, arbitrated in his presence in Jerusalem and Nablus and made between the brothers of the Hospital of St John of Jerusalem and Robertus Casalis Sancti Egidii and his wife, with the consent of Roardus vicecomes and his wife Gilla, and of King Fulk and Queen Melisende. Robertus and his wife give the Hospital of St John of Jerusalem, Raimundus eiusdem domus magister and its brothers the land of Emaus with its casalia, just as Robertus had held it as a feudum from Roardus and his wife. In return the brothers of the Hospital will pay Robertus and his heirs each year a census of 250 besants at Easter or within 40 days and another 250 besants at the Feast of All Saints. The land will revert to Robertus if the Hospitallers fail to pay, but Robertus can, if he wishes, make an eleemosyinary grant to the brothers of up to 100 of these besants, or sell or commute them. Such an act will be confirmed by Roardus as an eleemosynary gift. The remaining 400 besants will continue to be paid. Witnesses: Robertus archiepiscopus Nazareth; Rogerius episcopus Sancti Georgii; Gaufridus abbas Templi Domini; of the barones, Willielmus de Burris; Roardus vicecomes; Robertus Casalis Sancti Egidii, and many others; of the brothers of the Hospital, Raimundus Palacii; Stephanus Capelle; Petrus thesaurarius; Raimundus; Girardus pincerna and many others; of other witnesses, Ramatensis Rainerius; Robertus de Frandolio; Constantinus decanus; Milo clericus; Gaufridus de Aquulea; Rainaldus de Monte Laudinis; Tosetus. Nicholaus presbyter Hispaniae wrote the charter.
Feb. 3. Nablus. Patriarch William of Jerusalem records and seals an agreement, arbitrated in his presence in Jerusalem and Nablus and made between the brothers of the Hospital of St John of Jerusalem and Robertus Casalis Sancti Egidii and his wife, with the consent of Roardus vicecomes and his wife... more
sources: Mayer, UKJ 1:328-31, 347-8, nos. 143, 164 (RRH no. 201)
year: 1141
initiator: Patriarch William of Jerusalem
recipient: Raymond du Puy, master of the Hospital
institution: Holy Sepulchre
additional institution: Hospital of Saint John of Jerusalem
text: After Feb 3 – Dec. 24. Jerusalem. In exchange for 2 stationes in the platea Surianorum [in Jerusalem] which are neighbours to the patriarch’s own stationes, Patriarch William of Jerusalem, with the agreement of Petrus prior and the chapter of the Holy Sepulchre, makes a sealed gift to Raimundus Hospitalis S. Iohannis Baptistę magister and his brothers of a garden adjacent to the patriarch’s house, which had belonged to the cantor Anselmus before he was professed into the religious life. Witnesses: Petrus prior Sancti Sepulchri; Godefridus thezaurarius; Aimericus canonicus; Willelmus prepositus; domnus Lambertus; domnus Garnerius; domnus Gozelinus; domnus Nicholaus; domnus Robertus; Geraldus diaconus; Willelmus diaconus; Balduinus cancellarius; Amilius diaconus; Milo camerarius; Giufredus de Acu; of the brothers of the Hospital, Stephanus de Antiochia; Petrus Willelmi; Stephanus Lauret; Arnoldus Wascus; Petrus Novellus; Raimundus de Palatio; Stephanus de Dianero; Stephanus de Capella; Petrus thezaurarius; Raimundus thezaurarius; Geraldus pincerna; Bernardus Wascus; Robertus dapifer; [also] Roardus vicecomes, Robertus de Casale sancti Egidii; Rainaldus de Monte Laudato; Tosetus de Tolosa; Petrus de Petragoricis; Peregrinus filius Boneti; Robertus de Sesson; Robertus de Frandol; Rainaldus Segghir; Benzalinus; Humbertus de Baro.
After Feb 3 – Dec. 24. Jerusalem. In exchange for 2 stationes in the platea Surianorum [in Jerusalem] which are neighbours to the patriarch’s own stationes, Patriarch William of Jerusalem, with the agreement of Petrus prior and the chapter of the Holy Sepulchre, makes a sealed gift to Raimundus... more
sources: Mayer, Von der Cour des Bourgeois, pp. 238-42, no. 7 (RRH no. 204)
year: 1143
initiator: Johannes Patricii
recipient: Church of the Holy Sepulchre
institution: Holy Sepulchre
text: Nov. 11 1136 – Nov. 10 1143. Johannes Patricii records that he has exchanged 2 of his casalia, called Megina and Mezera, for 2 casalia, called Caphermelic and Anquina, which belonged to the Holy Sepulchre, represented by Petrus prior and its chapter. He has made this exchange with the consent of King Fulk and Queen Melisende and their sons, of his lord Babinus and his brother-in-law [cognatus] Petrosus, his wife Bruna, and his sons Thomas and Eustachius and his other sons.
Nov. 11 1136 – Nov. 10 1143. Johannes Patricii records that he has exchanged 2 of his casalia, called Megina and Mezera, for 2 casalia, called Caphermelic and Anquina, which belonged to the Holy Sepulchre, represented by Petrus prior and its chapter. He has made this exchange with the consent of... more
sources: Bresc-Bautier, Cart St-Sépulcre, pp. 228-9, no. 108; Mayer, UKJ 1:336-8, 348-9, 390, nos. 150, 168, 209; 2:503-4, no. 273 (RRH no. 200)