RRR: Council/ruling decisions/legislation
year: 1233
initiator: Pope Gregory IX
recipient: Bohemond V, prince of Antioch and count of Tripoli
institution: Hospital of Saint John of Jerusalem
additional institution: Templum Domini
text: Apr. 10. Lateran. At the request of the patriarchs of Antioch and Jerusalem, Pope Gregory IX writes to the prince of Antioch, lifting the excommunication imposed by Cardinal Pelagius of Albano because of the dispute between the prince and the brothers of the Hospital of St John of Jerusalem. He confirms that the abbas of the Templum Domini will formally absolve the prince, now that the dispute has been satisfactorily resolved.
Apr. 10. Lateran. At the request of the patriarchs of Antioch and Jerusalem, Pope Gregory IX writes to the prince of Antioch, lifting the excommunication imposed by Cardinal Pelagius of Albano because of the dispute between the prince and the brothers of the Hospital of St John of Jerusalem. He... more
sources: Gregory IX, Les Registres 1:694-5, no. 1223 (RRH no. 1030)
RRR: Council/ruling decisions/legislation
year: 1233
initiator: Pope Gregory IX
recipient: Episcopus Vallaniensis
institution: Hospital of Saint John of Jerusalem
text: Dec. 17. Lateran. Pope Gregory IX orders the episcopus Vallaniensis to investigate and end the dispute between the magister and brothers of the Hospital of St John of Jerusalem and the prince of Antioch and others in the dioceses of Antioch and Tripoli over the castle of Maraclea.
Dec. 17. Lateran. Pope Gregory IX orders the episcopus Vallaniensis to investigate and end the dispute between the magister and brothers of the Hospital of St John of Jerusalem and the prince of Antioch and others in the dioceses of Antioch and Tripoli over the castle of Maraclea.
sources: Delaville Le Roulx, Cart Hosp 2:465, no. 2071
RRR: Council/ruling decisions/legislation
year: 1235
initiator: Pope Gregory IX
recipient: Abbas Sancti Samuelis Premonstratensis ordinis Ierosolimitane diocesis
institution: Saint Samuel of Montjoie
additional institution: Saint Mark in Acre
text: Jun. 21. Perugia. Pope Gregory IX orders the abbas Sancti Samuelis Premonstratensis ordinis Ierosolimitane diocesis to ensure that the parties to a long dispute between the bishop of Acre and the plebanus and clergy of St Mark and other Venetians in Acre over parochial rights are represented within 9 months by suitable procurators at the Holy See.
Jun. 21. Perugia. Pope Gregory IX orders the abbas Sancti Samuelis Premonstratensis ordinis Ierosolimitane diocesis to ensure that the parties to a long dispute between the bishop of Acre and the plebanus and clergy of St Mark and other Venetians in Acre over parochial rights are represented within... more
sources: Gregory IX, Les Registres 2:94, no. 2652 (RRH no. 1061b)
RRR: Dispute/arbitration
year: 1235
initiator: Pope Gregory IX
recipient: Magistri and brothers of the Knights Templar and Hospital of St John of Jerusalem
institution: Templars
additional institution: Hospital of Saint John of Jerusalem
text: Aug. 23. Perugia. Pope Gregory IX rebukes the magistri and brothers of the Knights Templar and Hospital of St John of Jerusalem over the way a dispute between them about certain mills has degenerated into violence, in spite of the efforts of the papal legate, the archbishop of Ravenna, to resolve it. Reminding them of their obligations, he orders them to send suitable procurators to the Holy See by the next passage in March to receive the papal judgement. He has ordered the abbas of the Templum Domini and the abbas of St Samuel to enforce this with excommunication. He also writes in the same terms to the abbas of the Templum Domini and the abbas of St Samuel in Acre.
Aug. 23. Perugia. Pope Gregory IX rebukes the magistri and brothers of the Knights Templar and Hospital of St John of Jerusalem over the way a dispute between them about certain mills has degenerated into violence, in spite of the efforts of the papal legate, the archbishop of Ravenna, to resolve... more
sources: Gregory IX, Les Registres 2:148 -50, nos. 2742, 2744; Claverie, L’ordre du Temple 2:416-17, no. 5 (RRH no. 1062a)
RRR: Council/ruling decisions/legislation
year: 1235
initiator: Pope Gregory IX
text: Sept. 22? [352] Assisi? After narrating the history of the discord between the emperor Frederick and citizens of Acre, the visit of the archbishop of Ravenna, and the mediation of the patriarch of Antioch and the magister of the Hospital of St Mary of the Germans, and the excommunication of the citizens imposed by the archbishop of Ravenna, Pope Gregory IX refers to the presence of negotiators on behalf of both the emperor and the citizens of Acre. He is minded to relax the sentence of excommunication and suggests to Frederick that the Holy Land be returned to the state it was in before discord arose between Ricc. Filanger. marescalcus imperatoris and the nobles and barones of the kingdom and the citizens [cives] of Acre, that the cives et sindici Acconenses obey the balivi appointed for the time being by Frederick and his son C. in the maintaining of fortifications, the collection of rents and all customary rights, saving the assises [ascisii] and ancient and approved customs [consuetudines], that they and the nobles dissolve the commune [regni communia], take down the bell and remove the consules and capitanei who had been appointed after the dispute arose, abjuring all oaths made prejudicial to Frederick and Conradus and returning to their fealty. R. marescalcus imperatoris should be restored to the honour of the office of baiulus, but a new baiulus, who is above suspicion, should be appointed by the pope himself before next 1 March. Because there is so much animosity felt towards R. marescalcus, other bauli should administer the kingdom in the interim. Because the kingdom of Cyprus remains disturbed and aid to the Holy Land is hindered, the pope asks the emperor to allow him to mediate, so that the king of Cyprus be reconciled to the emperor or truces can be established.
Sept. 22? [352] Assisi? After narrating the history of the discord between the emperor Frederick and citizens of Acre, the visit of the archbishop of Ravenna, and the mediation of the patriarch of Antioch and the magister of the Hospital of St Mary of the Germans, and the excommunication of the... more
sources: Rodenberg, Epistolae 1:553-6, no. 656; Schabel, Bullarium 1:315-17, no. d-22
RRR: Correspondence/envoy
year: 1235
initiator: Pope Gregory IX
recipient: Magister of the Hospital of Saint Mary of the Germans
institution: Hospital of Saint Mary of the Germans
text: Sept. 22. Assisi. Writing to the magister of the Hospital of St Mary of the Germans, Pope Gregory IX complains that the emperor Frederick’s representatives have refused to accept the plan to bring peace between the emperor and the people of Acre, because, contrary to the pope’s expectations, they did not have Frederick’s authority, which was not given before his campaign in northern Italy.
Sept. 22. Assisi. Writing to the magister of the Hospital of St Mary of the Germans, Pope Gregory IX complains that the emperor Frederick’s representatives have refused to accept the plan to bring peace between the emperor and the people of Acre, because, contrary to the pope’s expectations, they... more
sources: Rodenberg, Epistolae 1:556-7, no. 657
RRR: Council/ruling decisions/legislation
year: 1237
initiator: Pope Gregory IX
recipient: Patriarch of Antioch and Aimericus, the nephew of the late Gaufridus Tripolitanus episcopus
text: May 9 and Jun. 11. Viterbo. After a case between the patriarch of Antioch and Aimericus, the nephew of the late Gaufridus Tripolitanus episcopus, had been heard at the Holy See, Pope Gregory IX rules that Aimericus was wrongly deprived of his archdeaconry, prebend and other benefices in the church of Tripoli by the patriarch of Antioch. He orders the patriarch of Jerusalem and the archbishops of Nazareth and Caesarea to restore the benefices. If magister Hubertus canonicus et cancellarius Antiochene ecclesie is in possession of the benefice, Aimericus must be compensated.
May 9 and Jun. 11. Viterbo. After a case between the patriarch of Antioch and Aimericus, the nephew of the late Gaufridus Tripolitanus episcopus, had been heard at the Holy See, Pope Gregory IX rules that Aimericus was wrongly deprived of his archdeaconry, prebend and other benefices in the church... more
sources: Gregory IX, Les Registres 2:641-2, 689-90, nos. 3639, 3753
RRR: Council/ruling decisions/legislation
year: 1238
initiator: Pope Gregory IX
recipient: Church of Bethlehem
institution: Hospital of Saint John of Jerusalem
text: Apr. 17. Lateran. A dispute over property between the church of Bethlehem and the magister and brothers of the Hospital of St John of Jerusalem has been heard in the papal presence. The bishop of Bethlehem has died and the Hospitallers of St John are worried lest the case should lapse. Pope Gregory IX orders the archbishop and archidiaconus of Caesarea to ensure that a procurator of the church of Bethlehem appears before the pope within 8 months.
Apr. 17. Lateran. A dispute over property between the church of Bethlehem and the magister and brothers of the Hospital of St John of Jerusalem has been heard in the papal presence. The bishop of Bethlehem has died and the Hospitallers of St John are worried lest the case should lapse. Pope Gregory... more
sources: Delaville Le Roulx, Cart Hosp 2:527, no. 2196 (RRH nos. 1076, 1079b)
RRR: Dispute/arbitration
year: 1238
initiator: Pope Gregory IX
recipient: Bishop of Acre
institution: Hospital of Saint John of Jerusalem
text: May 10. Lateran. Pope Gregory IX remits to the patriarch of Jerusalem, the archbishop of Tyre and the abbas Sancti Samuelis de Monte Gaudii Premonstratensis ordinis Jerosolimitane diocesis a dispute that has arisen between the bishop of Acre and the magister and brothers of the Hospital of St John of Jerusalem. The case has already been heard in Rome, where the Hospital of St John was represented by its procurator, frater Andreas de Fogia. The bishop of Acre claimed that the Hospitallers of St John were refusing to pay the full twentieth of harvests in Casale Alba and of chickens at Cabor, contributing only a payment of 5 besants instead. They had refused to pay the twentieth on their vineyards at Manuet for the last 2 years. They were refusing the bishop his rights over those who chose burial with them. These were infringements of the agreement entered into with the church of Acre and the bishop was losing 500 Saracen besants as a result.
May 10. Lateran. Pope Gregory IX remits to the patriarch of Jerusalem, the archbishop of Tyre and the abbas Sancti Samuelis de Monte Gaudii Premonstratensis ordinis Jerosolimitane diocesis a dispute that has arisen between the bishop of Acre and the magister and brothers of the Hospital of St John... more
sources: Gregory IX, Les Registres 2:1039-41, no. 4387 (RRH no. 1080a)
RRR: Council/ruling decisions/legislation
year: 1238
initiator: Pope Gregory IX
recipient: Patriarch of Jerusalem, the archbishop of Tyre and the abbas Sancti Samuelis de Monte Gaudii Premonstratensis ordinis Jerosolimitane diocesis
institution: Hospital of Saint John of Jerusalem
text: May 16. Lateran. Pope Gregory IX draws attention to the reference made at the Holy See by the bishop of Acre, in dispute with frater Andreas de Fogia, the procurator of the Hospital of St John of Jerusalem, to the agreement between J. episcopus Acconensis and the magister and brothers of the Hospital of St John, arbitrated by Cardinal Pelagius of Albano and recognized by both parties. 2 articles in this agreement, regarding exemption from tithes on the casalia commonly called Broet and Coket, and on sugar cane, as opposed to wheat and barley, at the casale of Manuet need further definition. The pope orders the patriarch of Jerusalem, the archbishop of Tyre and the abbas Sancti Samuelis de Monte Gaudii Premonstratensis ordinis Jerosolimitane diocesis to decide on these issues.
May 16. Lateran. Pope Gregory IX draws attention to the reference made at the Holy See by the bishop of Acre, in dispute with frater Andreas de Fogia, the procurator of the Hospital of St John of Jerusalem, to the agreement between J. episcopus Acconensis and the magister and brothers of the... more
sources: Gregory IX, Les Registres 2:1041-2, no. 4388 (RRH no. 1080a)