year: 1200
initiator: Paulus and his brother, the sons of Theodericus de Sarepta
recipient: Hospital of Saint Mary of the Germans
institution: Hospital of Saint Mary of the Germans
text: Aug. 1-31. Acre. Aimery, dei gratia rex Ierusalem nonus et rex Cipri, records that Paulus and his brother, the sons of Theodericus de Sarepta, came into his presence and that of his curia and also of the curia of his iurati, and renounced their claims to a house with a garden in Tyre, which the brothers of the Hospital of St Mary of the Germans had been given in a charter by comes Henricus and his wife domna Isabella, regis Amalrici filia. At Aimery’s request the brothers of the Hospital of St Mary of the Germans give Paulus and his brother 200 besants. With the agreement of his wife the Lady Queen Isabella, Aimery confirms under seal the brothers and the sick of St Mary of the Germans in possession of the house and garden. Witnesses: Raynaldus Sydoniensis; Iohannes de Ybelino regni conestabulus; Balduinus de Betsan; Vilanus de Alneto; Terricus de Tenero Monte; Iohannes regius marescalcus; Adam Coste; Willelmus de Petra; Aimon Daus. The charter was drawn up by Ioscius Tyrensis archiepiscopus regnique cancellarius.
Aug. 1-31. Acre. Aimery, dei gratia rex Ierusalem nonus et rex Cipri, records that Paulus and his brother, the sons of Theodericus de Sarepta, came into his presence and that of his curia and also of the curia of his iurati, and renounced their claims to a house with a garden in Tyre, which the... more
sources: Mayer, UKJ 2:923-4, 1005-7, nos. 563, 620 (RRH no. 774)