year: 1160
initiator: Herbertus abbas Sanctorum Joseph et Abacuc
recipient: Hugo de Hybelino
institution: Saint Joseph and Abacuc
additional institution: Holy Sepulchre
text: Dec. 25 1159 - Jul. 26 1160. [80] Abbey church of St Joseph. Herbertus abbas Sanctorum Joseph et Abacuc, with his convent’s agreement, seals an agreement with Hugo de Ybelino dominus Ramathensis. At Bethel, Hugo’s father Barisanus had given the abbey Bethel and Beze, which is called Bazirim, with 2 carrucatę terrę, 5 jornatę terrę and a tower [turris], with whatever the abbey built there. The abbey could build whatever it wanted. The chapel [capella] the abbey constructed there was given to Prior N[icholaus) and the convent of the Holy Sepulchre on the orders of Patriarch A[malric] and at Hugo’s request. These properties are returned to Hugo, who, in the presence of the convent of SS Joseph and Habakuk, Balduinus archidiaconus Sancti Georgii, Gislebertus cantor Sancti Georgii, magister Anschetinus, frater Robertus de Git, Marsirius miles, Andreas Andegavensis miles and Albertus Lombardus, transfers them to the canons of the Holy Sepulchre, represented by Bernardus cantor and magister Achilles. In exchange Hugo gives SS Joseph and Habakuk part of the turonium which is below Mirabellum ‘ad surdos fontes’ and 2 carrucatę in the same territory. Witnesses: Herbertus abbas [who signs and adds a cross]; of the brothers [of the abbey], Bonetus; Nicholaus; Martinus; Harduinus; Martinus; Robertus; Lambertus; Laurencius; Petrus; Guillelmus; Raimundus; Albertus; Ebroinus; Umbertus; Johannes; Guarinus/Garinus; Anselmus; Bernardus, Christianus, Gerardus, Johannes, Siberandus/Saberandas, Galandus. The charter is sealed with the seals of dominus Constantinus Ramathensis episcopus and of Abbot Herbertus.
Dec. 25 1159 - Jul. 26 1160. [80] Abbey church of St Joseph. Herbertus abbas Sanctorum Joseph et Abacuc, with his convent’s agreement, seals an agreement with Hugo de Ybelino dominus Ramathensis. At Bethel, Hugo’s father Barisanus had given the abbey Bethel and Beze, which is called Bazirim, with... more
sources: Bresc-Bautier, Cart St-Sépulcre, pp. 139-40, no. 52 (RRH no. 358)