year: 1163
initiator: Girbertus [of Assailly], master of the Hospital
recipient: Hugo, Cesaree Palestine dominus
institution: Hospital of Saint John of Jerusalem
text: *Dec. 25 1162 - Dec. 24 1163. Exchange made between Gibert, master of the Hospital of St John of Jerusalem, and Hugues seigneur de Césarée. Gibert surrenders a casale called Altafia in return for 2 casalia called Zafaira and Abeiria.
*Dec. 25 1162 - Dec. 24 1163. Exchange made between Gibert, master of the Hospital of St John of Jerusalem, and Hugues seigneur de Césarée. Gibert surrenders a casale called Altafia in return for 2 casalia called Zafaira and Abeiria.
sources: Delaville Le Roulx, Cart Hosp 1:227, no. 316 (RRH no. 391b)
RRR: Council/ruling decisions/legislation
year: 1166
initiator: Girbertus [of Assailly], master of the Hospital
recipient: Pope Alexander III
text: Before Jun 29. Lateran. Gilbertus Hospitalis Iherosolimitani magister, sent to the West for assistance by King Amalric of Jerusalem, together with the patriarchs of Antioch and Jerusalem and other ecclesiastical and secular leaders in the Latin East, has reported in Rome that, following the death in battle with the Turci of Prince Raymond of Antioch and the capture of Prince Rainald of Antioch, Prince Bohemond of Antioch and the count of Tripoli, together with many Hospitallers and Templars and other Christians have been captured. Cesarea Philippi, popularly called Bellinas, the key, gate and bulwark to all the land, has been taken and the city of Jerusalem is threatened. Pope Alexander III, therefore, proclaims a crusade.
Before Jun 29. Lateran. Gilbertus Hospitalis Iherosolimitani magister, sent to the West for assistance by King Amalric of Jerusalem, together with the patriarchs of Antioch and Jerusalem and other ecclesiastical and secular leaders in the Latin East, has reported in Rome that, following the death... more
sources: Hiestand, PTJ 1:251-3, no. 53
RRR: Correspondence/envoy
year: 1167
initiator: Girbertus [of Assailly], master of the Hospital
recipient: King Louis VII of France
institution: Hospital of Saint John of Jerusalem
text: (c. 1167). Gibertus Christi pauperum servus et hospitalis Hierusalem magister writes to King Louis VII of France, on whom pilgrims to Jerusalem rely for the protection of their goods and possessions. He asks for justice for Guillelmus de Donperre, who is staying in Jerusalem but whose land [in France] has been put to the torch by certain malefactors.
(c. 1167). Gibertus Christi pauperum servus et hospitalis Hierusalem magister writes to King Louis VII of France, on whom pilgrims to Jerusalem rely for the protection of their goods and possessions. He asks for justice for Guillelmus de Donperre, who is staying in Jerusalem but whose land [in... more
sources: Bouquet, Recueil 16:145, no. 438 (RRH no. 436)
RRR: Confirmation/renewal of grants
year: 1168
initiator: Girbertus [of Assailly], master of the Hospital
recipient: Burgenses in the city of Bersabee Juda, also known as Begebelinus
institution: Hospital of Saint John of Jerusalem
text: Dec. 25 1167 – Dec. 24 1168. Jerusalem. The Hospital of St John. Gibertus servus et custos Hospitalis Iherusalem in general chapter [in communi capitulo] of the Hospital of St John of Jerusalem with the authority of all his brothers, clergy and lay, confirms the concessions made by his predecessor Raimundus, giving land for building dwellings [mansiones] and for cultivation to the burgenses in the city of Bersabee Juda, also known as Begebelinus. The names of the burgenses are as follows: Petrus Alvernensis, Bernardus, Guilelmus frater ejus, Sanctius Gasco, Stephanus Lombardus, Johannes de Corseniana, Guido gener ejus, Petrus de Rohas, Gerardus Bornifer, Lambertus Pictavis, Petrus de Lesmeses, Richardus de S. Abraham, Adalardus de Ramis, Helyas de Milac, Petrus vitricus ejus, Lambertus sutor, Petrus Cathalanus, Martinus gener ejus, Raimundus Gasco, Johannes de Corozana, Helyas de Burdel, Brun Burgundie, Stephanus Alvernensis, Guillelmus de Ramis, Gerardus Flamingus, Stephanus carpentarius, Gilabertus de Carcasona, Bernardus Pictagoricensis, Bernardus Malasis, Pontius camelarius, Ugo Latro, Bernardus de Josafat. To them and to all others who came before the siege of Ascalon Gibertus grants 2 carrucatae of land [in the district] from Begebelinus to the torronum called Tamarin. They will render each year terragium on the produce of their labour, such as from vineyards and fields, and they will pay tithes on everything but oil [exceptis oleribus] and will abide by the law [justicia et consuetudo]. They will observe the judicial customs [judicia] of Jerusalem and in relation to all booty taken from the pagani they will pay tax according to the custom [consuetudo] of Lydda [Lithde], also called Ramla [Rama]. The Hospital will enjoy pre-emption rights over houses, vineyards and land and the minister Hospitalis will be offered the property for 1 robuinus less than the asking price. Men or women taken in adultery will be publicly whipped and expelled from the settlement. A thief and his possessions will be at the disposal [in potestate] of the minister Hospitalis. The burgenses will make fealty to the Hospital, [promising] to observe these dispositions. Gibertus granted this charter in the presence of dominus Raimundus Petrus Guillelmi cancellarius Hospitalis; Bertrandus sacerdos; Stephanus frater ejus; Radolfus sacerdos; Stephanus de Cappella; Robertus Comes; frater ejus; Gilabertus; Gerardus; Ugo; Odo de Calmunt; Garnerius; Desiderius; Petrus Gasco; Robertus pincerna; Petrus cocus; Bernardus Gasco; Bernardus Aimar; Guillelmus cocus; and many others. In order that the population of land increases, Gibertus adds, on the request of boni homines, that the homines and their heirs can sell or pledge their lands, vineyards and houses to whomsoever they wish, except to religious communities and milites, saving the rights [justicia] of the Hospital. They will pay the Hospital 1 besant for every carruca sold, or more or less in proportion to the sale, and 1 robuinus for every house and vineyard sold. Witnesses: Guigo preceptor; Castus thesaurarius; frater Piotus; frater Petrus de Crato; frater Amoravius; frater Aimo tunc preceptor Hospitalis Gibelini; and others; of the homines of Gibelinus, Raimundus filius Stephani Lombardi; Johannes Burgundie; Petrus de Fabrica; Morin Paschalinus; Petrus de Jerusalem; Andreas Lornus; Petrus de Fores; Durandus filius Petri de Fores; Petrus Montonus; and others.
Dec. 25 1167 – Dec. 24 1168. Jerusalem. The Hospital of St John. Gibertus servus et custos Hospitalis Iherusalem in general chapter [in communi capitulo] of the Hospital of St John of Jerusalem with the authority of all his brothers, clergy and lay, confirms the concessions made by his predecessor... more
sources: Delaville Le Roulx, Cart Hosp 1:272-3, no. 399 (RRH no. 457)
RRR: Correspondence/envoy
year: 1171
initiator: Girbertus [of Assailly], master of the Hospital
recipient: King Louis VII of France
institution: Hospital of Saint John of Jerusalem
text: Before Jan. 19 1163 - Sept. 1171. Gibertus sancti hospitalis Hierusalem custos, with all his convent, writes to King Louis VII of France, who has been generous and benevolent to the Hospital of St John of Jerusalem. Gibertus asks the king to maintain and defend it.
Before Jan. 19 1163 - Sept. 1171. Gibertus sancti hospitalis Hierusalem custos, with all his convent, writes to King Louis VII of France, who has been generous and benevolent to the Hospital of St John of Jerusalem. Gibertus asks the king to maintain and defend it.
sources: Bouquet 16:28-9, no. 93; also in Delaville Le Roulx, Cart Hosp 1:223-4, no. 310 (RRH no. 374)
RRR: Correspondence/envoy
year: 1171
initiator: Girbertus [of Assailly], master of the Hospital
recipient: Archbishop of Trani
institution: Hospital of Saint John of Jerusalem
text: Before Jan. 19 1163 - Sept. 1171. frater G. sancte domus Hospitalis Jerhusalem magister humilis et Christi pauperum servus writes to the archbishop of Trani. He describes the needs of the Holy Land. He and his brothers of the Hospital of St John of Jerusalem, combining warfare with the religious life [religioni miliciam commiscentes], are faced with greater expenses than they can afford. He asks the archbishop to appeal to his people to provide the Hospital with financial support [beneficia] for the remission of their sins.
Before Jan. 19 1163 - Sept. 1171. frater G. sancte domus Hospitalis Jerhusalem magister humilis et Christi pauperum servus writes to the archbishop of Trani. He describes the needs of the Holy Land. He and his brothers of the Hospital of St John of Jerusalem, combining warfare with the religious... more
sources: Delaville Le Roulx, Cart Hosp 4:247-8, no. 310bis (RRH no. 422)