year: 1152
initiator: Hugo de Sancto Abraham
recipient: Martinus
text: Jul. 7 1149 – Dec. 24 1152. Hugo de castello Sancti Abraham leases to Martinus and his heir a cortillum for 2 besants a year, although in the first year Martinus must pay a double rent of 4 besants. Martinus can give away, sell or pledge the yard so long as the rent continues to be paid. Witnesses: W. de Alesnes filius Radulfi de Alesnes; Normannus de Sancto Abraham; W. de Babilonia; Titger; pater ejus Augerius; W. Bornicus; filius ejus Bartholomeus. The charter was written by W.
Jul. 7 1149 – Dec. 24 1152. Hugo de castello Sancti Abraham leases to Martinus and his heir a cortillum for 2 besants a year, although in the first year Martinus must pay a double rent of 4 besants. Martinus can give away, sell or pledge the yard so long as the rent continues to be paid. Witnesses... more
sources: Bresc-Bautier, Cart St-Sépulcre, pp. 232-3, no. 112 (RRH no. 169)