RRR: Council/ruling decisions/legislation
year: 1156
initiator: Canons of the Holy Sepulchre
recipient: Aimericus, prior of the Mount of Olives and his canons
institution: Holy Sepulchre
additional institution: Mount of Olives
text: May 24 – Dec. 24. In the absence of Patriarch Fulcher of Jerusalem, who had been on a journey to Rome, Aimericus, the prior of the Mount of Olives and his canons had prevented the canons of the Holy Sepulchre from holding their customary stational service at the church of the Mount of Olives during the Ascension procession, on the grounds that they could only use the church when the patriarch was present, since it had equal status with the Holy Sepulchre. On his return, the canons of the Holy Sepulchre brought a complaint against the canons of the Mount of Olives to a synod, at which were present Patriarch Fulcher himself and P[etrus] archiepiscopus Tyrensis, B[alduinus] archiepiscopus Cesariensis, L[etardus] archiepiscopus Nazarenusi, R[adulfus] episcopus Bethleemitę, C[onstantinus] episcopus Liddensis, R[ainerius] episcopus Sebastensis, F[redericus] episcopus Achonensis, A[rbertus] episcopus Tyberiadensis, A[dam] episcopus Paneadensis, A[malricus] episcopus Sydoniensis, M[ainardus] episcopus Berithensis, G[aufridus] abbas Templi Domini, P. abbas Sanctę Marię Josaphat, A[milius] abbas Sanctę Marię Latinę, R. abbas Sancti Samuhelis, H[erbertus] abbas Sancti Abacuc, E[ngerannus] prior Montis Syon, H[ugo] prior Templi Domini, R[adulfus] prior Sebasteni. The synod found for the Holy Sepulchre and judged that the canons of the Mount of Olives should come barefooted to the Holy Sepulchre. So the prior [Aimericus] with his canons - Guido, Bonicius, Johannes Berruier, Durandus, Odo and Zacharias – accompanied as an act of humility and devotion by P[etrus] archiepiscopus Tyrensis, A[dam] episcopus Paneadensis and M[ainardus] episcopus Berithensis, came to make satisfaction. It was recorded by all present, together with the patriarch, that since the expulsion of the Muslims [Sarraceni] the Holy Sepulchre had the right to process to any church inside or outside Jerusalem on the following feasts: the Purification to the Templum Domini, the Ascension to the Mount of Olives, Pentecost to Mount Sion and the Assumption to St Mary of the Valley of Jehoshaphat. In these churches the convent of the Holy Sepulchre had primacy and could hold stational services. If the patriarch was absent, the prior of the Holy Sepulchre would sing Mass and preach to the people.
May 24 – Dec. 24. In the absence of Patriarch Fulcher of Jerusalem, who had been on a journey to Rome, Aimericus, the prior of the Mount of Olives and his canons had prevented the canons of the Holy Sepulchre from holding their customary stational service at the church of the Mount of Olives during... more
sources: Bresc-Bautier, Cart St-Sépulcre, pp. 143-5, no. 54 (RRH no. 323)