RRR: Confirmation/renewal of grants
year: 1234
initiator: Commune of Marseille
recipient: Magistri of the Knights Templar and the Hospital of St John of Jerusalem
institution: Templars
additional institution: Hospital of Saint John of Jerusalem
text: Apr. 17. Marseille. The commune of Marseille ratifies under seal the agreement made by its representatives in Acre, Rostagnus de Podio Alto and Guicelminus de Caranzon, with the magistri of the Knights Templar and the Hospital of St John of Jerusalem [Oct. 3 1233]. It defines naves as salandri, taride et alia ligna ad transfretandum apta. Witnesses: frater Bertrandus de Coms prior S. Egidii; Arnaudus de Miserata comendator domus Hospitalis S. Egidii; frater Poncius Bernardus preceptor domus Hospitalis Massilie; frater Guillelmus de Valencia comendator navium; frater Giraudus Pittavinus sacerdos dictus prioris; frater Bernardus sacerdos domini comitis Tholose; Ugo de Lucco comendator domus de Bailles; frater Guillelmus de Capmeillier comendator navis Templi; frater Bosmundus; frater Petrus comendator domus de Fossis; and other witnesses from Marseille.
Apr. 17. Marseille. The commune of Marseille ratifies under seal the agreement made by its representatives in Acre, Rostagnus de Podio Alto and Guicelminus de Caranzon, with the magistri of the Knights Templar and the Hospital of St John of Jerusalem [Oct. 3 1233]. It defines naves as salandri,... more
sources: Delaville Le Roulx, Cart Hosp 2:469, no. 2079 (RRH no. 1052)