RRR: Confirmation/renewal of grants
year: 1151
initiator: Queen Melisende
recipient: Church of the Holy Sepulchre and Johannes Patricius
institution: Holy Sepulchre
text: Dec. 25 1150 – Sept. 23 1151. Melisende, dei gratia Iherosolimorum regina, confirms an exchange made in the reign of her husband King Fulk between Johannes Patricius and the canons of the Holy Sepulchre. This involved the 2 casalia of Megina and Mezera being exchanged for the 2 casalia of Caphermelich and Anquina. It had been approved in Melisende’s presence by Babinus, from whom Johannes held the casalia in feodum, by Petrosus, the brother-in-law of Johannes, by Bruna, the wife of Johannes, and by their sons Thomas and Eustachius, on condition that if any challenge to the exchange arose the canons of the Holy Sepulchre would be obliged to restore the casalia to Johannes and his heirs. A challenge was made in King Fulk’s reign and the Holy Sepulchre appealed to the crown. Melisende therefore confirms the exchange under seal. Witnesses: Giraldus Bethleemita episcopus; Arnulfus, ejusdem canonicus; Gaufridus abbas Templi; Rogerius eius canonicus; Amalricus, comes Ioppe; Manasses constabularius; Philippus Neapolitanus; Rohardus; Radulfus Strabo; Orricus Neapolis vicecomes; Balduinus filius ejus; Balduinus Bubalus; Gauterius Malduit; Iohannes Uacher; of the burgenses, Tosetus; Vmbertus de Bar; Petrus de Peregort; Symon Rufus; Albertus Lombardus.
Dec. 25 1150 – Sept. 23 1151. Melisende, dei gratia Iherosolimorum regina, confirms an exchange made in the reign of her husband King Fulk between Johannes Patricius and the canons of the Holy Sepulchre. This involved the 2 casalia of Megina and Mezera being exchanged for the 2 casalia of... more
sources: Mayer, UKJ 1:360-2, no. 179; 2:505, no. 277 (RRH no. 268)