year: 1135
initiator: Bernardus and his wife Haoisa
recipient: Petrus Dominici Sepulcri prior and the canons of the Holy Sepulchre
institution: Holy Sepulchre
text: Mar. 15. With the agreement of Patriarch William, Bernardus and his wife Haoisa sell their house in the city of Jerusalem to Petrus prior and the canons of the Holy Sepulchre for 200 besants. The house is bordered by a house of the canons which once belonged to Willelmus drugomannus, the church of St Chariton, the via publica and the house of Theodorus. Anyone who challenges this falsely will be excommunicated and will be liable to a fine of a pound of gold payable to the royal treasury [in fiscum regium auri libram persolvat]. Witnesses: Seibertus judex; Petrus faber; Tustanus; Sivardus/Sinardus; Petrus de Petragorc; Bernardus and Fulco, all these are goldsmiths; Ruhelandus Britto/Bruto. The charter is written cum litteris rasis in quinta linea by Johannes subdiaconus.
Mar. 15. With the agreement of Patriarch William, Bernardus and his wife Haoisa sell their house in the city of Jerusalem to Petrus prior and the canons of the Holy Sepulchre for 200 besants. The house is bordered by a house of the canons which once belonged to Willelmus drugomannus, the church of... more
sources: Bresc-Bautier, Cart St-Sépulcre, pp. 167-8, no. 70 (RRH no. 154)