year: 1190
initiator: Guy of Lusignan and Queen Sibylla
recipient: Galterius Bellus vicecomes Acconensis/Gautier le Beau vicomte d’Acre
text: *Sept. 13 1186 - Oct. 20 1190. King Guy and Queen Sibylla give Galterius Bellus vicecomes Acconensis/Gautier le Beau vicomte d’Acre [a house] in exchange for the house of Barraguilla in Acre.
*Sept. 13 1186 - Oct. 20 1190. King Guy and Queen Sibylla give Galterius Bellus vicecomes Acconensis/Gautier le Beau vicomte d’Acre [a house] in exchange for the house of Barraguilla in Acre.
sources: Mayer, UKJ 2:821-2, 856, nos. 481, 517
RRR: Eleemosynary grant
year: 1192
initiator: Guy of Lusignan
recipient: Frater Curaudus hospitalis Alemannorum preceptor and the brothers and sick of [the Hospital of St Mary of the Germans]
institution: Hospital of Saint Mary of the Germans
text: Feb. 10. Acre. Guy, per dei gratiam in sancta civitate Ierusalem Latinorum rex octavus, makes a sealed eleemosynary grant, to benefit especally the soul of his late wife, the Lady Queen Sibylla. He gives frater Curaudus hospitalis Alemannorum preceptor and the brothers and sick of [the Hospital of St Mary of the Germans] the land in Acre on which their house and hospital [hospitale] is established. Femianus, his wife Dulcis and their son Iohannes, who claimed the land, renounced it in the presence of Guy and his curia, in exchange for another property. The Hospital gives Guy 500 besants and a horse, raised from its own alms funds. The land borders on the land of the brothers of St Thomas. It is situated between 2 stairs leading to a gate tower [turris perforata], as far as a strata publica that extends to the Gate of St Nicholas and belongs to the hospitale Alemmanorum, and then as far as a platea and curia and from the platea back to the city wall and along it as far as the stairs. The brothers may not build anything against the wall that might prevent men climbing the stairs in defence of the city. Witnesses: Theobaldus, episcopus Acconensis; frater Robertus de Sablolio magister Templi militum; frater Garnerius de Neapoli magister Hospitalis Ierusalem; Gaufridus de Lezigniaco comes Joppensis; Aymericus conestabulus; frater Adam Brion Templi militum senescalcus; frater Guillelmus de Viliers preceptor Hospitalis Acconis; Vgo de Tyberiade; Guillelmus Fortis; Vgo Martini mariscalcus; Galuegnus de Cheniche; Galterius Bellus vicecomes; Reinerius de Gibeleto; of the Pisan consuls, Bartholomeus de Tegrin; Selletus; Petrus de Falconio; of other Pisans, [Pipinus] filius Frederici; Robertus Uulp; Jacobus de la Clar; Aselmus Bellus; Baldoinus de Cipro. The charter was drawn up by Petrus cancellarius regis et ecclesie Tripolitane episcopus.
Feb. 10. Acre. Guy, per dei gratiam in sancta civitate Ierusalem Latinorum rex octavus, makes a sealed eleemosynary grant, to benefit especally the soul of his late wife, the Lady Queen Sibylla. He gives frater Curaudus hospitalis Alemannorum preceptor and the brothers and sick of [the Hospital of... more
sources: Mayer, UKJ 2:832-5, 982-3, nos. 488, 608 (RRH no. 701)
RRR: Confirmation/renewal of grants
year: 1192
initiator: Guy of Lusignan
recipient: Galterius Bellus vicecomes Acconensis/Gautier le Beau vicomte d’Acre
text: *Feb. 13. King Guy of Jerusalem confirms Galterius Bellus/Gautier le Beau vicecomes Acconensis in his posssion of a house, which had belonged to Turgissus. It is situated by the port in platea superior before the house of Iohannes Canis. It was given in exchange for the house of Barraguilla, originally given by Guy and the late Queen Sibylla.
*Feb. 13. King Guy of Jerusalem confirms Galterius Bellus/Gautier le Beau vicecomes Acconensis in his posssion of a house, which had belonged to Turgissus. It is situated by the port in platea superior before the house of Iohannes Canis. It was given in exchange for the house of Barraguilla,... more
sources: Mayer, UKJ 2:836-7, no. 489 (RRH no. 703a)
year: 1197
initiator: Comte Henri de Champagne
recipient: Marin Mazuc
text: *May 5 1192 - Sept. 10 1197. In return for services [services] rendered, Comte Henri de Champagne gives Marin Mazuc an annual rent of 100 besants to be drawn from the gabelles at Acre.
*May 5 1192 - Sept. 10 1197. In return for services [services] rendered, Comte Henri de Champagne gives Marin Mazuc an annual rent of 100 besants to be drawn from the gabelles at Acre.
sources: Mayer, UKJ 2:972, no. 586
year: 1198
initiator: Aimery of Cyprus and his wife the lady Queen Isabella
recipient: Marin Mazuc
text: *Oct. 1-31. King Aimery of Jerusalem and Cyprus and his wife Isabella, the daughter of King Amalric, give Marin Mazuc/Mazué 4 stationes/houses [in Acre] to replace the rent of 100 besants, taken from the gabelles in Acre, which had been given to Marin by comte Henri de Champagne/Troies.
*Oct. 1-31. King Aimery of Jerusalem and Cyprus and his wife Isabella, the daughter of King Amalric, give Marin Mazuc/Mazué 4 stationes/houses [in Acre] to replace the rent of 100 besants, taken from the gabelles in Acre, which had been given to Marin by comte Henri de Champagne/Troies.
sources: Mayer, UKJ 2:923, 1000-1, nos. 560, 615 (RRH no. 747a)
RRR: Eleemosynary grant
year: 1199
initiator: Bohemond IV, count of Tripoli
recipient: Hospital of Saint John of Jerusalem
institution: Hospital of Saint John of Jerusalem
text: Jun. 15. With the agreement of his wife Placen[tia] tripolis comitissa and his homines, Bohemond, son of Prince Bohemond of Antioch, Dei gratia Tripolis comes makes a sealed eleemosynary grant to the Hospital of St John of Jerusalem, represented by frater Gaufridus de Donjon ejusdem domus magister. He gives all the rights he and his predecessors had at …... [261] In return the magister and brothers of the Hospital give Bohemond from the alms of their Order 6000 Saracen besants and absolve him from the debt of 300 besants he owed them. Witnesses: Petrus de Ravendellis; Girardus constabularius Tripoli; Raimundus de Scandalione; Gaufridus de Cusantiis; of the brothers of the Hospital, frater Petrus de Mirmanda castellanus Crati; frater Petrus Descurai castellanus Margati; frater Hylarius capellanus; frater Gaufirdus Ratus bajulus domus Antiochie; frater Rogerius de Campania; frater Fortunus olim castellanus Emposte; frater Rolandus Burgundiensis; frater Santius Alverniensis; frate W. de Morent; frater Simon senescalcus.
Jun. 15. With the agreement of his wife Placen[tia] tripolis comitissa and his homines, Bohemond, son of Prince Bohemond of Antioch, Dei gratia Tripolis comes makes a sealed eleemosynary grant to the Hospital of St John of Jerusalem, represented by frater Gaufridus de Donjon ejusdem domus magister... more
sources: Delaville Le Roulx, Cart Hosp 1:674-5, no. 1085 [262] (RRH no. 757)
year: 1205
initiator: Aimery of Cyprus and his wife the lady Queen Isabella
recipient: John of Ibelin
text: *Oct. 1 1200 - Apr. 1 1205. King Aimery and Queen Isabella of Jerusalem give John of Ibelin the lordship of Beirut, the possession of which had been turned down by the Knights Templar, the Hospitallers of St John and others, in exchange for the constableship.
*Oct. 1 1200 - Apr. 1 1205. King Aimery and Queen Isabella of Jerusalem give John of Ibelin the lordship of Beirut, the possession of which had been turned down by the Knights Templar, the Hospitallers of St John and others, in exchange for the constableship.
sources: Mayer, UKJ 2:925, 1013-14, nos. 567, 625
RRR: Confirmation/renewal of grants
year: 1207
initiator: Garinus de Monte Acuto, master of the Hospital
recipient: Queen Sancia of Aragon
institution: Hospital of Saint John of Jerusalem
text: Oct. 1. Acre. Frater Guerrinus sancta domus Hospitalis Hierusalem magister et pauperum Christi servus writes to Queen Sancia of Aragon, confirming an exchange made between her and the Hospitaller castellan of Amposta, involving the community of nuns of the Hospital of St John of Jerusalem at Sigena, for which he issues further regulations.
Oct. 1. Acre. Frater Guerrinus sancta domus Hospitalis Hierusalem magister et pauperum Christi servus writes to Queen Sancia of Aragon, confirming an exchange made between her and the Hospitaller castellan of Amposta, involving the community of nuns of the Hospital of St John of Jerusalem at Sigena... more
sources: Delaville Le Roulx, Cart Hosp 2:76-7, no. 1272 (RRH no. 822a)
RRR: Eleemosynary grant
year: 1210
initiator: Hugh I of Cyprus
recipient: Garinus de Monte Acuto, master of the Hospital, and the brothers of the Hospital of Saint John
institution: Hospital of Saint John of Jerusalem
text: Sept. 1-30. Hugh, Dei gratia rex Cypri, makes a sealed eleemosynary grant to frater Garinus de Monte Acuto magister sancte domus Hospitalis sancti Joannis and the brothers of the Hospital of St John of Jerusalem. He gives: the casale of Platanistias, situated in the territory of Paphos, with all rights, including villani, chevagii, dimi; the casale called Colos in the territory of Limassol, with all the rights, including villani, chevagii and dimi, that were held by Garinus de Colos, who has willingly surrendered them in exchange for another grant from the king; the prastia Monagrole, situated in the territory of Limassol, with all the land Hardewinus held there and with all rights, including villani, chevagii and dymi. King Hugh makes a further eleemosynary grant, to benefit the soul of his father King Aimery, of a prastia called Finica in the territory of Paphos with all rights, including villani, chevagii and dymi.He grants all the chevagia and dymi of the villani and their heirs in these lands. At the request of frater Guillelmus de Belna, preceptor domus Hospitalis in Cypro, he allows the commandery [domus] of the Hospital in Nicosia, together with the community [domus] of Mora and that of S. Georgius, to grind wheat [bladum] in his mill de la Questria without the payment of dues. He gives the Hospital of St John the houses and plateae that had belonged to Lambita Sabastos and his sister in Limassol. He gives a garden in Limassol, adjoining the houses of Guischon Span and Girardus de Maske and the bath house. He gives the Hospitallers the right to buy and sell their goods throughout Cyprus without the payment of dues. Witnesses: Galterius Cesaree Cypri comestabulus; Aimericus de Riveth Cypri senescalcus; Raynaldus Suessionis marescalcus; Galterius de Beths; Laurentius de Morfo; Simon Paph.; Marinus de Bombel; Galterius Bellus; Petrus Chaperon.
Sept. 1-30. Hugh, Dei gratia rex Cypri, makes a sealed eleemosynary grant to frater Garinus de Monte Acuto magister sancte domus Hospitalis sancti Joannis and the brothers of the Hospital of St John of Jerusalem. He gives: the casale of Platanistias, situated in the territory of Paphos, with all... more
sources: Delaville Le Roulx, Cart Hosp 2:121-2, no. 1354 (RRH no. 844)
year: 1212
initiator: John of Brienne
recipient: Gautier de Monbeliart
text: *Summer 1211 - Dec. 24 1212. [291] King John of Jerusalem gives Gautier de Monbeliart 5,000 besants in return for the surrender of the office of constable of the kingdom.
*Summer 1211 - Dec. 24 1212. [291] King John of Jerusalem gives Gautier de Monbeliart 5,000 besants in return for the surrender of the office of constable of the kingdom.
sources: ‘L’Estoire de Eracles’, p. 316; Mayer, UKJ 3:1029-30, no. 631